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Adjusting HDR

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:08 am
by Killer-Instinct
Hey there, still browsing this forum every so often despite my lack of posting. Ive began a new map called oc_transport. You start in a tunnel and your objective is to transport a civilian out of a combine controlled area. My questions are:

1. How can you adjust the hdr so it won't reflect so brightly off your weapon and the ground. Heres a pic to show what I mean...


The lights are perfect but it makes models and textures all whited out.

and 2. How can I make it so the game will end if target npc_citizen dies and if he gets to the end of the map it also ends.

Thanks if you can help, I'm a new mapper still.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:17 am
by skidz
tonemapping controller.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:41 am
by Shana
1. tonemap controller and cubemaps

2. game_end

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:51 pm
by Blues
The first thing to solve 1. is to build the cubemaps, which means to run your map, type "buildcubemaps" in console and then restart the map, so the changes will take effect.

In some cases the reflection will still be overbrightened.
Then try running the map first with HDR disabled, build cubemaps, then enable HDR, re-run the map, rebuild cubemaps and then once again re-run the map. This should solve your problem.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:55 pm
by fug4life
You should build cubemaps in HDR first as a rule then in LDR after, And you dont need to restart map until you have built cubemaps for both, also if you have sprites in your map they may give an undesired effect in hdr if you dont kill them before building cubemaps.
sv_cheats 1
ent_fire !picker kill
(get rid of sprites, then)
mat_hdr_enabled 1
mat_hdr_enabled 0
restart map (I normally exit mod and back again, I'm paranoid and like to be overly sure).

In 1.3 this is slightly different, I start map in HDR, kill my sprites then buildcubemaps then go to mod options and change my settings to no hdr in my gfx options (you can do this in game and it'll take you back to your map and you'll notice your sprites are still killed from world) so now you can go ahead and buildcubemaps again (ldr) and then restart map.

The bright weapon models I wouldn't worry about that has been fixed in 1.3. as for over bright lights yes, cubemaps & then a tonemap controller.
Does your map have an env_light? there are hdr settings for this that can be adjusted too along with the tonemap controller.

Here read this: ... g_Settings