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Problem rigging a model

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:13 pm
by MaestraFénix
Forget the head hack post.

I decided put the HL2 skeleton onto the HD Gina model (made by Romka and many people...) of HL:S DM.

I following this tutorial:

In the section 5 ("compilling a basic ragdoll"), part 2, i have a problem: ... ostcount=7


The model move when you move a bone (with error, but move). Ok. In my model don´t happen:


I followed all the instructions. What i have to do?

Edit: oops. I forgot say that i using the skeleton of "Gordon Freeman" model.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:17 pm
by xenoaisam
thats mean the bone didn't weld/rig to skin porperly

i would sugggest you to import gordon hl2 model into 3dsmax, then just delete gordon head and replace with gina... delete only gordon head will not touch bone skin on other part of body... i think...

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:33 pm
by MaestraFénix
xenoaisam wrote:thats mean the bone didn't weld/rig to skin porperly

i would sugggest you to import gordon hl2 model into 3dsmax, then just delete gordon head and replace with gina... delete only gordon head will not touch bone skin on other part of body... i think...
I did that, but continue giving the same bug.

EDIT: WOW, I don´t know what i did, but i can continue the tutorial.

I left this thread open if i need more help.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:06 pm
by MaestraFénix
Double post permitied because is important.

Ok, i´m near to the sucess. But a error separes of it:

(in GUIStudioMDL):

WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!

I continue search in forums about this error. Probably is relationed to the materials (smooth groups), or with the collission model (i think that i do it very good).

Someone help? (if finally this work, we have new models coming soon).


I think that i solve this error (i´ll overwrote the textures?), but (forget say before) i continue still this errors:

WARNING: COSTLY COLLISION MODEL!!!! (45 parts - 40 allowed)

WARNING: Error with convex elements of C:\Users\Rafa\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (2)/phymodel.smd, building single convex!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:32 pm
by xenoaisam
lol a simple model you take time to compile it XD

just look back the qc sample i show you before~

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:25 pm
by MaestraFénix
Fixed using the Orangebox fix: ... sion_model

Deleted my error (lol i mixed my .SMD files XD).

Now it´s works:


(Hello, Gina. N¡ce to see you in OC)




Probably, is the phymodel, so i´ll fix it.

This means that i know (more or less) rigging a model, and someday, can make my custom model:


Thanks Xenoaisam for the assistance.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:10 pm
by MaestraFénix
Sorry about this doublepost.

Now, i can´t eliminate the "WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!" error.

Hmm, i tried this:

Worked the last time, but now, don´t work.

Someone can help me one more time?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:38 am
by fug4life
G'luck with this, contact fighter he managed to convert some hl models to source.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:49 pm
by MaestraFénix
fug4life wrote:G'luck with this, contact fighter he managed to convert some hl models to source.
Thanks to say it. I pm´d him. I´m hope that he read the message soon.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:40 am
by Boroko
It look like the face is rigged to the wrong bone.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:24 pm
by MaestraFénix
Sorry about the delay, but i have to go to university, write more articles from, translate with a friend´s team the Official TF2 Wiki to spanish, and much more....

I have good news. Gina is near to be ready. Look to the image for see the information:


I think that tomorrow or the next day i´ll finished it.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:22 pm
by fug4life
looking good

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:45 pm
by MaestraFénix


Physics is f*cked. But i see the Phymodel and i see all perfect.

Here´s the Phymodel.SMD and my .QC file:

Phymodel.SMD file:

.QC file:

Code: Select all

$cd "C:\Users\Rafa\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (2)"
$modelname "player/Gina_hev.mdl"
$model "gina" "Gina.smd" 
$cdmaterials "models\Player\gordon_freeman\"
$cdmaterials "models\player\mp\dm_gina"
$includemodel "player/female_shared.mdl"
$includemodel "player/female_ss.mdl"
$includemodel "player/female_gestures.mdl"
$includemodel "player/female_postures.mdl" 
$surfaceprop "flesh"
$sequence ragdoll "ragdoll" ACT_DIERAGDOLL 1 fps 30.00

$illumposition 0.855 -0.052 34.763
$ikchain rhand ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand knee  0.707 0.707 0.000
$ikchain lhand ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand knee  0.707 0.707 0.000
$ikchain rfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot knee  0.707 -0.707 0.000
$ikchain lfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot knee  0.707 -0.707 0.000 

$collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" { $concave $maxconvexpieces 50 }
$collisionjoints "phymodel.smd" {

	$mass 60.0
	$inertia 5.00
	$damping 0.01
	$rotdamping 1.50
 	$rootbone "valvebiped.bip01_pelvis"
   	$jointmerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1"

(if delete the ikchains and/or the physic data, the model will have error at compiling. The "$concave $maxconvexpieces 50" is to get rid off the "Costly Colission model" and "Warning, 2 model blah blah.." errors).

P.D: I fixed the neck and the "pingas" bugs. But the front of the neck is impossible to fix (provocated for the skeleton, "HEV Helmet model bug").[/code]

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:06 pm
by fug4life
Tried using the reference.smd to create the phys model? I know it works on less complex models, worth a try.

Also there are some tutorials about spotting errors in smd files.
If you look at the co-ords you'll find values that are extremley high and out of place compared to the others, open the ref.smd and find the same co-ords and add the correct unbroken values. Its model de-compiler that causes it, but it can be fixable by sorting the values, lemme find mah FP thread for the tutorial that helped me.

Edit: there ya go...

And the tutorial was here:

If you read my thread you'll see that actually I copied all of the last frame of an opening animation, to act as the two frame of the open animation I was trying to fix. Not quite the same issue as you but, the theory behind it all, should be informative.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:51 pm
by MaestraFénix
I used the reference.SMD to create the Phymodel, and later the ragdoll (in this case, reference is called Gina.SMD).

Also, this is the tutorial:

I´ll look tomorrow if i find the error.