oc_diving_v9 (FIXED... maybe)

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Post by IronGun »

V6 didnt had these bugs thats why some servers still prefer to use it.

And yeah its a random player.
I was fishing, then someone bought a boat and I got teleported into the pod. I was like "WTF how did I get here"

"I thought the cost was enough to deter people from spamming, why the heck would anyone spend 3000 points when there are plenty of harvesters sitting around?"

Because people mess around "HE MAN YOU TOOK MY BOAT GIVE IT BACK"
"THIS IS MINE".... votekick..... voteban...more admin bullshit

"No idea why this would happen, unless you mean putting boxes in a portable refinery which won't work "

They just stop working without any reason. In v6 everything worked fine in V7 it fraked up maybe you should check everything you changed
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Post by Beanbrains »

IronGun wrote:And yeah its a random player.
I was fishing, then someone bought a boat and I got teleported into the pod. I was like "WTF how did I get here"
I think i may have worked this one out - it only happens with the big boat and harvester, right? If this is true, then func_physbox is bugged and doesn't keep track of its activator (I set it so that using the physbox part of the boat would force the activator to enter the pod). No one has ever reported this bug for the rowboat or speedboat which are props, so i am assuming its just a problem with physboxes.
IronGun wrote:...Vehicle spamming stuff...
Hmm, even if people buy a bunch of vehicles it shouldn't cause much of a problem, last time i tested, i had enough free edicts to buy EVERYTHING 10 times before it crashed. Maybe i will see if i can get idle vehicles under the water to warp home or something.
IronGun wrote:...Loot box stuff...
Was there another loot box sitting in the refinery when you tried to sell the contents or something? I think i have that fixed for v8.
IronGun wrote: maybe you should check everything you changed
I would do this, but some of the stuff that broke, I literally haven't touched at all - like the getting stuck in a black room at the start when its just a simple teleporter trigger covering the spawn point - and has been for the last few versions. Maybe it somehow compiled wrong, I don't know :( .
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Post by JerC »

Cosmosis wrote:Oh also. Duh. You can put the batteries in your inventory, that makes it really simple. I think most people including myself forget about that >_<
The thing is that sometimes,you can't get your items out of your inventory..
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Post by IronGun »

The new moon base kinda sux. Its cool to go to the moon and collect moonstones but

1. The elevator is really slow
2. The teleporter is slow
3. The teleporter throws you from the sky (you lose your moonstones if they are not in your inventory)
4. You can't mass teleport
5. The Base and elevator are small

Advice to fix 3 and 4: Make a "moon box"
1,2,4,5 need a complete fix

These 5 points got agreed by 6/6 people
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Post by warbrand2 »

I hate this I can't play diving every time i try to play IT steam completely closes out. and I can not figure out why.
I think that's all I do and some times/a lot of the time that gets me into trouble.
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Post by JerC »

Oh,and could you change transporter view?
Very annoying.
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Post by Cloud »

Bug report:
1:When you enter the boat, most of the times you have a hard time exitting it(most of the times only kill in console fix this)
2:Sometimes random people get teleported into the boat poad when someone try to get into the boat pod(very weird)
3:big boat sometimes while moving gets kinda fillled with water for a small time which makes impossible to deliver eletronic cargo
4:Unstable cargo is very sensitive, which makes impossible to mass deliver it
5:when you get teleported back from moon, you most of the times only keep the moonstone you have in your inventory because you come down from the sky and it's kinda hard to keep track of where the moonstone you were holding goes.

Crash report:
1:If you are in a rawboat,speedboat,Bigboat pod and then disconnect from the server, the server crashes

alright that's all that i could remenber, even with all those glitches the map is still awesome and i'm playing it like everyday :D
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Post by cartman-2000 »

that disconnecting in pod crash happens in other maps to, like thunderblade with flyable choppers, when someone disconnect from the server while in the pod the server crashes.
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Post by Datastream »

Wow so many people requesting stuff at the same time. My suggestion to beanbrains: Take it easy, do it on your pace. If they are asking to much of you, you should tell them. Cuz you are cranking out so many shit and fixes all the time that it might drown you. :P

Just concerned about you.
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Post by JerC »

cartman-2000 wrote:that disconnecting in pod crash happens in other maps to, like thunderblade with flyable choppers, when someone disconnect from the server while in the pod the server crashes.
that happend on other Source engine games too.
Well on most of them.
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Post by Neico »

that's because valve has a debug message (or better warning) that uses the player entiy to get the playerid (which makes totally no sense because the player is already gone from the server at that time) in the game_ui ent = crash

fix = remove the player ent from the message as you don't really need to know the playerid that disconnects from the server without disabling the game_ui first anyways (1.35 has it fixed)
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Post by Cloud »

Neico wrote:that's because valve has a debug message (or better warning) that uses the player entiy to get the playerid (which makes totally no sense because the player is already gone from the server at that time) in the game_ui ent = crash

fix = remove the player ent from the message as you don't really need to know the playerid that disconnects from the server without disabling the game_ui first anyways (1.35 has it fixed)
when is oc 1.35 coming out?
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Post by Neico »

when it's done, it's been asked quite a few times and i can't really give you the awnser as i don't know that myself yet
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Post by jehdin »

v7 crashes on purchase of either of the shark killers - anyone have V6?
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Post by Shadowsand »

Incredible map! The bug with 'random' people being teleported into pods isn't a physbox bug, because it happened for me in a map I made using a prop. However, the speedboat and rowboat (at least for me) don't teleport you into them when you use them. It is in fact a specific play who is teleported though. For example, in a listen server it's always the host. I don't know of a way to fix it though. I would suggest just removing that feature since it's not really necessary.

I haven't had a chance to try EVERYTHING yet, but I do have one request, and that is to do more with the moon base. It is VERY good as it is, but I think it would be cool if there was a little more progression there. Like you have to install air tanks to get life support there, maybe batteries. Just a suggestion ;)
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