Oc_Paysan help

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Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:20 am

Oc_Paysan help

Post by Bondagger »

I understand its an old map but I have only recently discovered obsidian conflict and I love Harvest type maps. I really want to play oc_pansan but every time i go into the map all i seed is a void sky and black and purple squares everywhere. I have explored the possible solutions in the map release thread and nothing has worked. I have source sdk 2007 play time and own hl2, hl2ep1, hl2ep2. the cfg folder already has the mount file which shows this.
"MountEpisodeTwo" "1"
I also get a mess of errors on entry to the map showing this.

Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/cs.ttf'
ConVarRef hud_saytext doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef hud_saytext doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef spec_drawstatus doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Client dll loaded for Obsidian Conflict
Unknown command "sv_backspeed"
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/oc_background01.bsp'
map load failed: oc_background01 not found or invalid
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_cp_badlands
maxplayers set to 4
Adding master server
Adding master server
maxplayers set to 4
Network: IP
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GLASS/COMBINEPODGLASS001A.vmt)
Error: Material "maps/oc_paysan_b11/glass/combinepodglass001a_5154_3742_192" uses unknown shader "patch"
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: overlays/puddle001a
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/fern01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/stove01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_small01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees2.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_xlarge03_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/fern01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/fern01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/fern01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees2.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/bramble001a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/bramble001a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/bramble001a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_xlarge02_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/rock_coast02d.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees2.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees2.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees2.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_large01_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_outland/generator_static01a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/fence_trail_512.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/fence_trail_128.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/fence_trail_256.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/fence_trail_256.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/fence_trail_128.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/shelves.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/fallentree_dry02.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_large01_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_large03_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_xlarge03_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/forestrock_cluster01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_large01_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/forestrock_single01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/forestrock_single01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/rock_coast02d.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_large01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_mining/stalactite_static02.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/forestrock_single01.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_mining/stalactite_cluster02.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees2.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees3.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_xlarge03_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees3.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_mining/struts_tunnel192_03.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/floodlight.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_mining/stalactite_static02.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/cliffs/rocks_large01_veg.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_forest/floodlight.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/cs_militia/trees1.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002d.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002b.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/cattails.mdl)
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_cs_weapons.txt [135 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_hl1.txt [122 total, 8 replacements, 8 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_music.txt [32 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_agrunt.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_roach.txt [3 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_scientist.txt [15 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_bigmomma.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_assassin.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_gargantua.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_snark.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_tentacle.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_controller.txt [6 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_nihilanth.txt [9 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_hl1turret.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_eli_lab.txt [225 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_trainyard.txt [294 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_k_lab.txt [404 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_k_lab2.txt [88 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_coast.txt [234 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_novaprospekt.txt [443 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_streetwar.txt [245 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_streetwar2.txt [73 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_breencast.txt [109 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_citadel.txt [380 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_canals.txt [189 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_ravenholm.txt [190 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_ravenholm2.txt [86 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_canals2.txt [37 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_c17_02a.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_e3_c17.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_e3_town.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_e3_bugbait.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_music.txt [90 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_music_episodic.txt [18 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_weapons_episodic.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_voices_episode_01.txt [1737 total, 1 replacements, 1 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_aftermath_episodic.txt [135 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_outland_episodic.txt [318 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_addendum_ep2.txt [287 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_vehicles_ep2.txt [25 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_weapons_ep2.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_sounds_music_episodic2.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/level_voices_episode_02.txt [5235 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_eli.txt [4 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_alyx.txt [87 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_dog.txt [64 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_citizen.txt [430 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_barney.txt [100 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_soldier.txt [9 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_strider.txt [17 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_zombie.txt [17 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_vortigaunt.txt [428 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_turret.txt [30 total, 2 replacements, 2 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_scanner.txt [33 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_rollermine.txt [16 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_poisonzombie.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_metropolice.txt [35 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combinecamera.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_manhack.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_ichthyosaur.txt [11 total, 1 replacements, 1 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_blackheadcrab.txt [14 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_fastheadcrab.txt [7 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_headcrab.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_fastzombie.txt [19 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_birds.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_gunship.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_dropship.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_barnacle.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_attackheli.txt [14 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlionguard.txt [15 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlion.txt [22 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_env_headcrabcanister.txt [6 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combine_ball.txt [6 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combine_mine.txt [7 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_sniper.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_stalker.txt [24 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_gman.txt [2 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_bullsquid.txt [15 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_hydra.txt [10 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_houndeye.txt [13 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_defender.txt [8 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_zombine.txt [8 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_mortarsynth.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_hunter.txt [35 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_alyx_episodic.txt [554 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_strider_episodic.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_turret_episodic.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_soldier_episodic.txt [4 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_ministrider_episodic.txt [12 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_roller_episodic.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combine_ball_episodic.txt [4 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_citizen_episodic.txt [11 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_citizen_ep1.txt [233 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_dog_episodic.txt [37 total, 4 replacements, 4 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlion_episodic.txt [12 total, 1 replacements, 1 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlionguard_episodic.txt [9 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_advisor.txt [16 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_advisor_episodic2.txt [7 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_alyx_episodic2.txt [41 total, 13 replacements, 13 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlion_grub_episodic.txt [7 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_antlionguard_episodic2.txt [2 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_attackheli_episodic2.txt [3 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_citizen_episodic2.txt [231 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_combine_cannon.txt [1 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_fastzombie_episodic2.txt [5 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_strider_episodic2.txt [3 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/npc_sounds_turret_episodic2.txt [2 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
Executing listen server config file 'listenserver.cfg'
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Couldn't find any entities named caillou_grotte2, which point_template template_roche is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named gun_sensor, which point_template template_civil_1 is specifying.
SV_StartSound: ambient/fire/firebig.wav not precached (0)
SV_StartSound: ambient/fire/firebig.wav not precached (0)
SV_StartSound: ambient/fire/firebig.wav not precached (0)
SV_StartSound: ambient/fire/firebig.wav not precached (0)
Attempted to create unknown entity type Nothing!
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Door gate_prison with conflicting collision settings, removing ignoredebris
Precache of sprites/physcannon_bluecore2b ambigious (no extension specified)
Setting CSprite to non-sprite model sprites/physcannon_bluecore2b
ERROR!: Can't create physics object for models/props_mining/elevator_winch_cog.mdl
npc_antlion_template_maker using pool behavior without a specified pool regen time.

[L] Classic Co-op
Map: oc_paysan_B11
Players: 1 / 4
Build: 4104
Server Number: 1

unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$minfadesize in particle/smoke1/smoke1_nearcull
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$maxfadesize in particle/smoke1/smoke1_nearcull
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$blendframes in particle/smoke1/smoke1_nearcull
unrecognized conditional test !lowfill?$depthblend in particle/smoke1/smoke1_nearcull
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$depthblend in particle/smoke1/smoke1_nearcull
unrecognized conditional test !lowfill?$startfadesize in particle/smoke1/smoke1
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$startfadesize in particle/smoke1/smoke1
unrecognized conditional test !lowfill?$endfadesize in particle/smoke1/smoke1
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$endfadesize in particle/smoke1/smoke1
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$blendframes in particle/smoke1/smoke1
unrecognized conditional test !lowfill?$depthblend in particle/smoke1/smoke1
unrecognized conditional test lowfill?$depthblend in particle/smoke1/smoke1
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GLASS/COMBINEPODGLASS001A.vmt)
Error: Material "maps/oc_paysan_b11/glass/combinepodglass001a_5154_3742_192" uses unknown shader "patch"
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: overlays/puddle001a
VAC secure mode disabled.
Elmonodara has joined the game
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/crosshairs/crosshair1
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/cs.ttf'
Redownloading all lightmaps
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\caves\rumble1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\crik3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\treewind1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\crik1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\treewind2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\buzz3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
ERROR!: Can't create physics object for models/props_outland/pumpkin01_explosive.mdl
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\caves\rumble1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
ERROR!: Can't create physics object for models/props_outland/pumpkin01_explosive.mdl
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\caves\rumble1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\treewind3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\caves\rumble1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\chirp2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\buzz3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds6.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\chicka2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\treewind3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository

please help...
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Former Developer
Former Developer
Posts: 570
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:26 pm
Location: $Recycle.Bin

Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by TESLA-X4 »

Those errors are due to the required content not being mounted. Valve's transition to Steampipe a while back broke the mounting system, so you'll have to resort to the method described in this thread for now (client mount fix). Sorry for the inconvenience.
Apparently, Valve can't make games beyond the number 2.
I think the only time we'll get a Source SDK code update is when it starts having purchasable hats integrated, i.e. hatconomy.

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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by Bondagger »

tut did not help but it was very confusing
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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by MaestraFénix »

Bondagger wrote:tut did not help but it was very confusing
Where you need help? You did all the steps and didn't work?
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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by Bondagger »

I needed help with the gcf extraction. the link thing worked fine. I was right clicking on the root and clicking extract and it said it was done but none of the extracted files showed up, so I tried selecting all the contents from the right side after clicking root then clicking extract and I would get a access denied error, so I selected all the files in the open gcf pak and just dragged and dropped the contents into the folder and walla it worked but took a little longer then the extract.
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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by MaestraFénix »

And after that didn't work? Remember that you only have to do the client one.
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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by Bondagger »

no it worked, i got into the game and could see the proper textures. Would be useful to have a script for it to do it for me
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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by MaestraFénix »

Bondagger wrote:no it worked, i got into the game and could see the proper textures. Would be useful to have a script for it to do it for me
There was one, but it tend to gave problems.
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Re: Oc_Paysan help

Post by funk »

Sorry to hijack the thread, but is there any way to cheat/spawn wooden planks? The reason I ask is sometimes the server will crash and we lose everything as there is no save option. I was thinking something along the lines of prop_physics_create? but I don't even know the file to use if that was an option.
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