Map + MapAdd files
Pack v2 released!
gm_ghosthunt_2 is a Garry's Mod map about you hunting ghosts in an abandoned mine. The map features random events and also triggered events.
This map requires HL2 Episodic content!
Description:The map is a medium-large map that players can explore. The player will be faced with ghosts around the mine that will hurt you or not do anything at all. Players should remember where the ghosts appear so they will not die or get hurt from them.
Ghosts that can hurt you are:
A black red-eyed model that floats around in certain areas. This ghost will kill you are should be avoided at all costs.
A zombie looking ghost that runs in certain areas. This ghost will not kill you instantly but will hurt you instead.
Black spots in the ground that appear in some areas. These spots are there to indicate that you will be hurt in that spot. The ghost detector will detect whether the spot is active or not.
??? is a giant thing that only appears once in a area with only 1 light source and wood boards. This will kill you instantly and a sound will play when it is activated.
Other ghosts are just there to add to the atmosphere.
The player will be greeted with a Ghost Detector in spawn. The detector is very useful to the map as it will show you areas that can and will hurt or kill you.
A Movable Camera is there so 1 player can go around the map while the others can just watch on a monitor.
The map also features a few secrets but I won't tell you.

Breadman - Creator of the map and content in the map.
Changelog is inside README.txt when you open the zip file.
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Please report any bugs you may find in the _modify.txt!