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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:16 am
by Mr. Someguy
W0rf0x wrote:
Mr. Someguy wrote:
masa0x wrote:The design of the final stage has been influenced from "Phantsy Star Online".

The origin of the design of G-MAN is this. ... 3%A0&gbv=2

I'm seeing transformers and question marks... WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?
You dont have japanese fonts installed.
Oh, I guess thats what it means... I feel stupid.

Latest version available on OC 1.32

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:33 pm
by masa0x
It is information on interchangeability. :)

Latest version oc_d_crimson_v1e is goodwork on OC 1.32.
Please replace it when you use a version that is older than this version.
It is possible to download it from following URL. ... 1e.bsp.bz2

The following problems are in crimson.

1.Problem of texture of SKY BOX (with out "_hdr")
2.Material type of func_breakable of the boss of ZONE D is illegal. (Using "Fresh" type)
3.It is not easy to see because the texture of the work stand in the boss room is
transparent and near.

The influence is not in a clear game of these problems.
It is scheduled to correct it with ep2_d_crimson of the following

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:52 am
by Shana
That huge worm in the desert area causes some net lag, i guess its the same problem that was in oc_kake and z_harrier, caused by moving prop_dynamics, you could ask zteer for help, but i think its easily fixable by changing them to prop_dynamic_override.

And could you please remove the 60 minutes timelimit? its kinda disappointing when the map suddenly ends in the middle of playing.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:31 pm
by masa0x

The matter of net lag of prop_dynamics is heard from Zteer.
This trouble is matched and corrected.
and remove time limit. :)

W0rf0x wrote:That huge worm in the desert area causes some net lag, i guess its the same problem that was in oc_kake and z_harrier, caused by moving prop_dynamics, you could ask zteer for help, but i think its easily fixable by changing them to prop_dynamic_override.

And could you please remove the 60 minutes timelimit? its kinda disappointing when the map suddenly ends in the middle of playing.