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Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:34 pm
by Jeffman12
Avneet wrote:Any updates on when any changes to map will be made?
You can't change your vote once it's passed, therefore saying "I give it a 2 until it allows me to camp in the house the whole time" is a little harsh. The idea behind this feature is that you can't go without eating, this also keeps players from camping in the house and just getting points from the copious amounts of antlions. You only lose 8 health a night, so you only need to eat every 2-4 days because the pizza gives a generous amount of health to everyone who stands around it while open.

I have another recommendation for the map. Allow a player to leave the dungeon at an added fee of 5 points. This ensures that if the player is in way over their head, they can at least quit while they have a chance without losing 30 points in addition to the 30 they spent to get in.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:22 pm
by Avneet
Have no clue why you are giving me the change my vote deal. He asked for a vote of what I think and I gave it. If he asked me what I thought after final release then it would be higher after bug fixes/ something I still believe needs to be taken out. As I said it's not just me. My server and a funmap server both went empty as people saw you still lose health even while in a building.

I have more people stay and play the map in my server when I allow god mode on which pretty much sucks. Now there is no chance of people dying from antloins, etc. But people are happier because they don't have to keep worrying about dying as the day goes on. You have to remember most people loved the harvest way and that's what they are used to. But you don't have to listen to the community because it's your map(not u Jeff).

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:36 pm
by sven666
well, I decrease day hurt. I want to keep that because it gives a goal to food : sell or eat.
I decrease antlions too, buy weapon to protect yourself.
This map is more strategic than harvest.
Whatch in what you spend your money.
Safe money for food.
Think before running ^^

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:28 am
by sven666
release B02 -> saturday
Report bugs before !

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:48 am
by Avneet
Still think people going to look at it the same in my opinion. We wait until Saturday but as long as health drops every night no matter what, I'm pretty sure they wont play it seeing as how that's all the things that's been happening on my server. I shall show you after Saturday.

I think you should make a diff map(same map but without losing health every night) and I guarantee that will fill just like the rage when harvest started. Compare that side by side to your next release with health loss and community will react. Wait for Saturday.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:22 am
by shiftey
The reason people are leaving servers over the health issue is because they can't avoid it. Nobody can figure out how to get money when the map first starts. Everything thing you do to get money seems to require a significant amount to start.

Also, it doesn't help that while exploring into the city you notice its getting dark, try to get back to the Inn and can't make in time, go to jail, and can't get out in time. Map needs severe tweaks to make it work. It seems unnecessary to you because you know how every aspect of the map works, but to others your map is impossible and they just leave the server.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:44 am
by Avneet
That may be what is happening in your server but that wasn't what happened the 2 days I tried to get it full. People kept complaining about losing health and having to worry the whole time trying to go eat and keep it up all while trying to do everything else. Everything else you can do as you wish, but this health falling is forced on the players and they kept complaining and leaving. I went through 2 days of it.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:41 am
by Jeffman12
I found out what to do at the beginning pretty easily, I started looking for mushrooms to sell, hunted down the pawn shop, killed antlions in the process. But again, the major problem I see here is the amount of antlions that spawn some days. Another way to balance out the antlions, if you don't want to decrease them, either increase the lifespan or number of turrets you can buy.

The thing is, the health decreasing is a new twist that forces players to be active. I hate it when playing and there's that one guy who goes and sits off in the corner while he's afk rather than leave. Besides, money spawns inside the jail, you can make bail by playing a minigame in one day or wait 4 days, assuming everyone in jail lets one guy collect it. losing 8 health a day isn't a big deal unless you're too stingy to give up 15 points to let everyone in the server heal. All in all I feel it's a better system than flat out dying for being outside.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:01 am
by Avneet
I like your opinions and I hope you are right for the player base wise. There seems to be two sides so lets just hope there is a large enough side that likes the decrease after next update. Right now it's a no no.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:07 pm
by sven666
changes :

-Using the radio fire explosives
-hurting night decrease
-Antlion attak decreased
-crops health increased
-sawmill dissapearing fixed
-More mushroom spot
-fading models to decrease fps
-escape from dunjeon and get 5 points added
-Increase number of turret buyable (4) need more ?

I think I will build an ingame vote like lobby. Like that you can choose to activate or desactivate hunger.
System are 2 area, people must stay 15 sec in the area to vote.
The choice can not be changed until 10 day.

The admins will be able to disable the vote by adding a command that I will tell you later.


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:47 am
by KKirby16
Heheh, you're using the User Created Roleplay Mod models and materials from Gmod9, as well as Ldukes chicken model for cs_italy. (and some others.) Very resourceful. Downloading the map now - I'll let you know how it works. -

Argh. Episode two is on my dads steam account, so I can't mount it. It looks so awesome, but it's covered in black and white and errors! Please god tell me how to mount Orange box games from my dads steam account!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:58 am
by Avneet
Loving the updates. If you can add in that vote thing, this map will go bigger then harvest because no you will satisfy both parties who do or don't like decrease of hunger :D

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:44 am
by KKirby16
I just logged into my dads account and tried it. It's well made but hard to learn how to play it unless someone has already told you. I suggest you make it more "user friendly."

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:49 am
by Avneet
I actually think it's better being hard as it is where you have to learn to make money. Gives it a challenge.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:00 am
by shiftey
Instructions are needed in-game. Can't see how not knowing how to play makes it funner...