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Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:40 am
by Datastream
Yes there is a meteor strike in the map now. It only its your plants. But when you destroy the rock, the next day there will be super fertile land.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:42 am
by Axel_m3sh
Datastream wrote:Yes there is a meteor strike in the map now. It only its your plants. But when you destroy the rock, the next day there will be super fertile land.
Reminds me of this in STALKER: SoC OL mod

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:23 pm
by warbrand2
(suggestions from a newb)

I was playing this map allot yesterday and some strange things happened as well as an idiot with a revolver.
1. the meteor hit us every other day for 6 days. which removed all the plants we planted 3 times.
2. there needs to be a swat team in the city. (combine prison guards with smg1s) to take out the people that spend the entire game buying ammo then shooting cops.
3. suggestion for a random event, tornado please.(removes all plank built items but drops seeds all over the map.
4.make antlions spawn less often. (like every other day not every day.
5. event idea 2 .field fire. kills all plants that where not watered happens in middle of day. (ash from plants can be used to make one or more plants grow faster and can be stored)

these are jsut some ideas for the map from a person taht is bored.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:38 am
by sven666
warbrand2 wrote: 1. the meteor hit us every other day for 6 days. which removed all the plants we planted 3 times.
-> ok, I will reduce probability
warbrand2 wrote: 2. there needs to be a swat team in the city. (combine prison guards with smg1s) to take out the people that spend the entire game buying ammo then shooting cops.
->good, idea, those bastards will be kicked off by heavy cops
warbrand2 wrote: 3. suggestion for a random event, tornado please.(removes all plank built items but drops seeds all over the map.
rejected, too many things to add (I already rech the maximum of entities
warbrand2 wrote: 4.make antlions spawn less often. (like every other day not every day.
Ok, I will reduce number of antlions
warbrand2 wrote: 5. event idea 2 .field fire. kills all plants that where not watered happens in middle of day. (ash from plants can be used to make one or more plants grow faster and can be stored)
I can do it, not too dificult I think.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:47 pm
by JerC
You just need a sentry and good fight skills,and those antlions are not a problem.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:36 am
by warbrand2
I wasn't asking to reduce the number that spawns jsut make them not spawn every day because after fighting off antlions 4 the 10th day in a row you start to wander If it is worth it.

another Idea.

ad a kitchen build to the forest shelter. (not one where you can eat just one that you can cook the pumpkins in.) Because people will use the forest shelter to store the pumpkins and wait for some one to get them, then cook them then sell them.

short version add a kitchen that can be built right next to the forest shelter. for faster income from the pumpkins.


how about add a hunting season/bug swarm type thing instead of constant spawn have antlions spawn in mass for 5 days every 40 days.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:20 am
by JerC
Well,you must be unlucky..
I never saw antlions 2 days in a row.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:43 pm
by Datastream
I see antlions everyday. They keep spawning. Sometimes in bigger numbers though.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:59 pm
by warbrand2
I don't know if this is a glitched but I timed out on the map once and when i rejoined the Dog started attacking me no matter what I even reconnected to the server 3 times but it kept killing me. :(

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:45 pm
by destiny
how can a friendly give you damage?
btw that also happend wen the houndeye was still the dog.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:19 pm
by goirdin
I've spent my share of time playing this map, and i think it's really good. Only problem i see are the antlions. I didn't notice it until this newest version, but the antlions are spawning like crazy. I'd go outside, kill 5 antlions, go into the forest to get a pumpkin, come back and find 3 more antlions that came out of no where, that just destroyed everything i built. Also, there was one time when i was walking and a antlion spawned out of the ground. I killed it, and it was followed by another right after, and then another, and another, get the point. Anyway, with the 7 damage per day and the 10 damage fighting the millions of antlions everywhere per day, i died about every 3-4 days and it's really annoying now. And i don't really see the point in planting because the plants get owned every day. I can handle like, 5 antlions. But when a freakin horde comes out of nowhere and keeps spawning it's rediculous. Other than that it's a perfect map :)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:25 am
by sven666
I see that new system is too hard for many, I will return to the previous version (spawning antlion at the begining and not during all the day).

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:02 am
by goirdin
sven666 wrote:I see that new system is too hard for many, I will return to the previous version (spawning antlion at the begining and not during all the day).
yaay, thank you.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:37 am
by fedeita
i can't play this awesome map because i don't have ep2 :cry: are you going to fix this please?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:21 pm
by Neico
solution: buy it