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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:33 pm
by fug4life
fug = tuned, wired, and switched on!

Patiently awaits....

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:51 pm
by DaMaN
fug4life wrote:fug = tuned, wired, and switched on!

Patiently awaits....
Excellent! I will map ever harder!

Currently I've streamlined and fixed oc_return_c17_06a such that it's almost ready for release. oc_return_c17_04 still needs cubemapping and spawn placements, but lights and camera are "Action!". oc_return_c17_05 is going to be the main stumbling block, as I need to light sections of it, cubemap section of it, and debug it :'(

However, I'm starting to get that pre-release excitement, so a release can't be far off!!

In the meantime, as I'm wasting time at school away from my mapping machines, I've started up a blog (or blag, depending on your pronunciation) to jot down my thoughts about mapping, this series, mapping, and (you guessed it!) mapping!

Recently I've posted a few entries regarding Return to City 17, it's beginnings, and some thoughts on it.

Check it out here:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:11 am
by fug4life
Nice blog, and yes Homeworld is the greatest rts ever!

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:27 pm
by DaMaN
fug4life wrote:Nice blog, and yes Homeworld is the greatest rts ever!
Hell yea! Such an awesome game. I quite liked the mapping system too, though MissionMan crashed more often than Hammer, so I would usually put just the layout for a map together in MissionMan and complete the map in Notepad :lmao:


Well, a couple of more major updates here:

I haven't had a chance to update the maps all week, as I've been busy with Calculus 2 and Team Fortress 2, (the two are completely unrelated I assure you ;)), however, I've had most of today to do polishing, as my brother woke me up at 9:00 AM to do laundry. (I'm usually up at 10:30, and that's on the weekdays, so 9 was a bit early for me). But it meant I got to do more mapping, so it's all good. -ish.

So I spent today on cubemaps, lights, soundscapes, spawns, and I'm just about to launch into equipment. Admittedly I haven't tested any of this yet, but still, I've made lots of progress. Testing will commence as soon as my brother gets off TF2. ;)

Current progress:
oc_return_c17_04: 90%
oc_return_c17_05: 90%
oc_return_c17_06a: 90%

In other words, if these tests work the way I expect them to work, I'll be very VERY close to release.

Since I can't test, I've started dusting off oc_return_c17_01 through 03 to fix all the bugs you guys found and add in some of the suggestions you made (especially fug4life's suggestion to eliminate the healthkit). That shouldn't take me that long, as I've made most of the changes already - it's just re-compiling that'll take the enormous amounts of time.

But yea. I'm really starting to think I can pull off re-releasing the first three and the next three maps by this upcoming weekend.

Oh, and I've updated my blag. Check it out. Now. This means you. :P

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:28 am
by fug4life
Good, good.

I made a couple of maps for Command and Conquer Generals way back when it was first released, Would love to of made a homeworld map.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:00 am
by DaMaN
fug4life wrote:Good, good.

I made a couple of maps for Command and Conquer Generals way back when it was first released, Would love to of made a homeworld map.
C&C was pretty good. Didn't make any maps for it, but made a bunch for Starcraft. Homeworld editor was great, but I couldn't figure out how to get the scripted stuff to work so it was all boring old deathmatch ;) Though I did figure out how to get singleplayer ships into the game, which meant kadeshi motherships ftw. :D

Just finished preliminary fast-compiles of 04-06a, going to check 'em out right now. More screenshots soon!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:35 am
by DaMaN
Bah. Well, some good news and some bad news. Good news is that the lights look good, spawns work, and the cubemaps work.

Bad news is that the AI is buggered up. Certain npcs are not moving where I want them to move!!! ACK!!! I THOUGHT I FIXED THIS PROBLEM ALREADY!!

Other bad news is that it's laggy. Which really blows, because I don't really know how to reduce it any more, I've already done quite a bit. Grrr...

Hopefully I can get it lagging less, and get the AI working properly. :cry:


EDIT: Well, I fixed one problem, at least a little bit. Durh. I forgot to turn back on the visgroup I had for hints and areaportals. The lag's reduced now. :slapped:

EDIT: Oh right, forgot about screenshots!







Don't worry, I'm sure I'll figure out some way to fix it or abandon it or w/e.

But it's ALMOST FRICKIN DONE!!! Which makes it so much more annoying.

Oh well, there IS light at the end of the tunnel...

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:09 am
by Hell-met
What's wrong with that cop?

Don't use the cheaple!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:35 pm
by Shana
You compile and test your map in oc dev? if not, you should do that to make sure it works in 1.3, theres no real point in making it for 1.23 anyways, also, more features :P

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:28 am
by DaMaN
Hell-met wrote:What's wrong with that cop?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that cop.

He's certainly not some sort of cop-ally who might help you along the way.

Nothing like that.

Don't use the cheaple!
Why not? I like him! He's all dead and gory and dead and stuff!
W0rf0x wrote:You compile and test your map in oc dev? if not, you should do that to make sure it works in 1.3, theres no real point in making it for 1.23 anyways, also, more features :P

I do now!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:37 am
by Hell-met
That rolleyes smiley hurts my feelings :(

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:44 am
by DaMaN
Hell-met wrote:That rolleyes smiley hurts my feelings :(
Aww, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! :cry: I just meant to subtly hint that the metrocop might play the role of an ally in the map!

Aww, muffin...

I used the rolleyes to indicate my own rolling of eyes to what I was saying.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:08 am
by DaMaN
Bad news Good news:

Bad: Computer motherboard died when I tried to install a new harddrive.

Good: Had stuff backed up.

Bad: Need a new computer.

The events went something like this:
0 hours: "Hmm... I have some time to kill and a 250gb HDD, let's install it!"
2 hours: "Damn, it's not recognizing the new harddrive, nor is it booting off the old one"
3 hours: "frak, i just dropped the computer three feet onto cement floor"
6 hours: "Great, it's booting!"
8 hours: "frak, it's not booting."
10 hours: "Where's my soldering iron?"
24 hours: "The sharks should stop circling soon."

From a comical reference:

I'm going sailing on a 100' tallship as a jr. leader for a week, I'll see about finally releasing these damned maps when I get back. Mainly it's the music that's got me hung up - trying to select the perfect tunes - not too in your face and not too subtle.

See you in a week!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:36 am
by DaMaN
Been trying to convert the maps into playable OC 1.3. They seem to work fine with just bsp and vis, but throw rad in and it doesn't seem to like it.

Anyone know what "Engine hunk overflow" means?

EDIT: Other sites on the net say that it's caused by big maps or big water. Anyone else know? How the heck am I supposed to shrink any of these maps down? They're all gigantic!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:46 am
by Shana
DaMaN wrote:Been trying to convert the maps into playable OC 1.3. They seem to work fine with just bsp and vis, but throw rad in and it doesn't seem to like it.

Anyone know what "Engine hunk overflow" means?

EDIT: Other sites on the net say that it's caused by big maps or big water. Anyone else know? How the heck am I supposed to shrink any of these maps down? They're all gigantic!
I dont know exactly what that error means, but on a forum i saw someone with the same problem, the only way he could get rid of it was to split the map, i also read somewhere that it happens on maps with a lot of water, but more i dont know.