The truth about Dr. Breen is, that he is a big fan of the Japanese TV Show "Takeshis Castle", and he is very dissapointed that it endet in 1989.
So he caused the Black Mesa Accident, and Collaborated with the Combine to become the Administrator of the Earth, to get a 24/7 TV Show to do everything he want on there.
So he recreated his favourite TV Show, to entertain himself and the Citizens.
He builded a Mini-Citadel and a lot of his favourite Games on the Show´s Property.
The Contestants are Prisoned Rebels, who have a chance to get free if they beat all 8 Deadly Stages and Breen Himself at the End.
After the Show Start Button is pressed the players have 25 Seconds to get into the Start Area to enter the Show. Players whore to late have to wait for the next Show.

These are the Original Stages in Order of appereance on the Map:
The Great Wall
Original Show:

My Remake:
The players have to stack Crates and Tables in order to get over the Wall in 45 Seconds.

The First Fortress
Original Show:

My Remake:
The players have Pistols and 50 Life Points, and have to get over the Fort.

The Crowbar Arena
Original Show:

My Remake:
The players have to beat 1 of 6 Randomly Chosen NPC´s (Zombie, Fast Zombie, Zombine, Metrocop with Stunstick, Antlion, Antlionguard) with just 10 Life Points and a Crowbar.

Dragon Lake
Original Show:

My Remake:
Each player has 12 Seconds to get over the Lake, every Stone is just floating on the Water, so be careful!

Square Maze
Original Show:

My Remake:
All players can enter it at the same time.
You have to find the Exit, dont run into a Stunstick Combine, you just have 15 Life Points (can take 3 Hits), and dont fall into the Water!
The players on top of the Maze maybe can help the players inside.

Door Running
Original Show:

My Remake:
One of 3 Doors in each of 4 Walls is Unlocked, be fast and try the doors, if youre to slow a Combine Shieldwall will Kill you!

Original Show:

My Remake:
All players can enter it together, you have to run up, and cover in the little gaps at the side, but be careful not to block another player!

High Rollers
Original Show:

My Remake:
4 Wheels are between you and the Citadel, get on the other side!
If you fall down, youll have to fight the Final Battle with just 65 Life Points!

Show Down
Original Show:

My Remake:
Grab Weapons, charge your shield, and enter the final Battle.
Around 2 Dozen Combines and 1 Gunship awaits you.
Youve won when you killed Dr. Breen on top of his Citadel, hiding in a little Room, and well protected by Mr. Henderson.

The Breen Death Cam:

(All Original Show Pictures and Descriptions from
If Dr. Breen is dead, the map Ends, if all players on the Stage are dead, you have to wait 1 minute and 15 Seconds before you can start a new Show. A player who died is out until the next show.
But he can watch from the Spectator Platform, or drive around on the "Dumb Circle Driving" Ring, and try to hit some Houndeyes.
Overall the map is really hard, and you need much luck and skill to beat it.
-->Download<-- (link updated!)
-->The Breens Citadel Theme Song Composed and played by me (its also packed in the Map, but I think maybe someone want to have this crap as MP3)<--
If you like the map Ill create more "Seasons", with other Stages taken from the Original Show. If you have some Ideas, Suggestions or Bug Reports, PM me.