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Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:06 pm
by Tono-Tako

Image ... alpha1.rar

Recommended players:
3 or more

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:21 pm
by fug4life

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:56 am
by DaMaN
fug4life wrote:Downloading...

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:11 am
by Neico
... don't release unfinished things like these, please... 1. very short 2. just mass npc spam

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:20 am
by Shana
W0rf0x wrote:And tono, make sure its hard but still fun, and not hard and ridiculous
Sadly you didnt listen to any of my suggestions.

Sorry, but the map disappointed me more than r-day.
(fyi, we used god mode on the sniper part, because dieing 50 times is no fun)

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:42 am
by fug4life
I think for your first map release you havent done too bad. I only went into god mode when trying to pass combine to turn off alarm (& yes snipers are tough).

Either beef up the weapons or lower the npcs skill, attack damage or just their general quantity.

Some of the lighting needs improving but,
thats not a major concern at the moment. Also the under water cave is ok once you subdivide you should sew and rough up the shape a bit more with paint geometry so its a bit more natural.

I think it's good and you are doing well so far apart from what's been mentioned.

Also smaller cable width, and add some burning sounds for fire at spawn.

You see where the verticals meet the horizontals the different width's and the middle vertical even goes into the middle horizontal.
Now I like the combine architecture you went with but on closer inspection some smalls mapping mistakes or bad practice.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:07 am
by DaMaN
Hmm... well, played through this map on my own. Was tough. Really tough. I liked the outdoor sections - very prettyful.

A brief idea for optimization right off the getgo: you've got a nice, long tunnel, and when you look all the way down it you can see right to the combine base, meaning the game tries to render all of that at once! Ah! Video card dying! A really REALLY simple way to fix/change that, would be to put one or two 'zigs' in the tunnel. If, say, your tunnel is heading west, half-way along it should turn north, then half-again turn west. This will allow you to place some hint brushes that will limit visibility of the gigantic outdoor environment.

Anyways, my main impression was: Too many npcs!!! Ack!

Do the combine really need 14 guards guarding a blocked off tunnel? I mean, it's a little too much.

I liked the mini objectives, and npcs, but again, caution about too much health. Too much health on an npc and players get frustrated that they're not doing anything to it.

And yea, the sniper thing was annoying. Especially at the beginning, when it was a whole ton of stalkers and combine soldiers and etc.

You gotta make sure that the npcs complement each other, without one of them overwhelming the other. Sniper: ok. Sniper+combine soldiers: ok. Sniper+combine soldiers+stalker: well, now we're getting too much.

Basically: Keep It Simple Stupid!

Interesting map, and some great potential! I know you've got school (me too) but keep mapping when you find the time!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:59 am
by fug4life
Search hint brushes on the VDC or read Zombie's guide at Interlopers.

And if your still unsure of the basics then look below :)



Basically in the pictures if your in the cubes or the middle of the tunnel then you will never see each other at most you can render two at once i.e one cube and the middle by standing in the corner hints.

(the second picture was just to show that usually only one four sided face is applied with the skip brush). Although in some instances I've seen in Valve maps they uses all faces of the brush.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 5:29 am
by Tono-Tako
thanks for the comments, guys, im looking forward to improve the map

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:14 pm
by TheMoon
Played it, think it's pretty solid. The NPC navigation is poor though, was able to take out half of the enemies (esp mortarsynths & hunters, also fastzombietorso) without them attacking me. The NPC's do also have too much health. I'd lower it, and also reduce the amount of NPC's that are alive at any given moment (combine at the base, mortarsynths esp). I didn't find the sniper part so annoying or hard. It's a single sniper, and you have a grenade and lots of cover.

What annoyed me though was that at the start, those bullsquids and houndeyes spawned very near and kept killing me over and over until I had the luck to pick a spawnpoint which was not directly next to them so I could run away and take them out from afar. A seperate spawning area which NPC's can't reach wouldnt be bad. Speaking of spawns, it would also be cool to have some new ones enabled when you reach the bridge so you don't have to walk so long when you die.

The map's performance wasn't exactly good, but it's playable. You might consider to build in some corners like suggested, model fading could also be very useful.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:50 am
by justedufun
The link don't works or it's me ?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:51 am
by Dimaxa
justedufun wrote:The link don't work or it's me ?
use google: ... a1.bsp.bz2