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xrm_chap1 - Xoom3r's RAGE maps Chapter 1

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:18 pm
by Xoom3r
Hey there, after few days I've been working on this map, I decided it's enough for it's series 1st chapter.
This chapter mainly focuses on combine combat, and includes: Snipers, Soldiers, Helicopters, Combine gunships and Antlions.

You can download the map Here.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:24 pm
by fug4life
I'm happy as hell we got more mappers investing time in to Obsidian Conflict mapping :)

You should link to the WIP thread for screenshots and vid, so others can see what they are downloading.

I hope to here from others who test/play this, as I cant until I get my pc sorted.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:27 pm
by Xoom3r
Going to record a Gameplay video now, me and a friend are gonna test it.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:15 am
by Xoom3r
gameplay video added, you can watch it here:

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:31 pm
by fug4life
Well, I watched the new video, is your friend just having trouble with the obsidian installer (If so he should ignore the source mod errors and continue installing).

As for the map looks good, though a little short. It looks like you could fit double what you have into the map. Really you want as few a mapchanges as possible so play time is maximised for all players especially those who have low connections and slow loading times. i.e if chapter two is also a small map add them together.

As for chapter one, it looks pretty good, I think if this is the game play your going for, I'd let players spawn with a medkit and make it a "lives map" with perhaps 4-5 lives per player.

I thought about another gun ship or a drop ship with some combine elites would be cool for that area though I can only see what the video shows.

So people give this guy feedback if you've tested!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:02 pm
by Xoom3r
no feedback yet.. lols.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:19 am
by fug4life
Feed back...

Bugs + issues:

You can add a map briefing to your map, go to obsidian/maps/cfg and look at anothermapname_briefing.txt for an example.

The first rock model on your left as you go out side is not sat lower enough into the displacement.

Snipers when you first go outside can shoot through displacements (i.e the big hill), to stop this create a wall with the tools/block_los texture (or try block bullets, I cant remember which). and place it so it reaches the horizon of the hill from under the disp.

Second out door area, if you go to the end of the map their is water also up on top of the cliff displacement, i.e you have to waters at different levels in the same VIS_leaf, and that's bad!

Some rocks ontop of the cliffs to break up the sky line would be nice. you could even have electric plyons and wire running paralell with the map.

Map is too short for a first chapter (bsp=3 mb) you can keep on mapping for a while yet, so I'd suggest you add the next chapter to this.

Apart from that I'd its a good release so far, I'm looking forward to more from you!


Oh also thier is a way of getting the snipers to shoot from thier gun rather than from thier stomachs (W0rf0x has them in ep2_oc_broken_escape_part2a).

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:14 pm
by ConTron
Had a look at the video, cool map

But why did you call it xrm_chap1? Most people would get a cool name for it and then do oc_name_chap1 - you don't have to put your name everywhere