Fortress Forever
Fortress Forever
Is out.;82862
Play in the new SourceOp servers and make me happy.;82862
Play in the new SourceOp servers and make me happy.

Steve: Yo tengo tu madre en mi pantalones, lolzo
Fire_cube: my mom is actually in MY pants
Fire_cube: youshithead
I just got done playing for the first time.
It is 100% top-notch. Not a single crash or bug that I encountered, graphics are great, gameplay is fun as hell, classes are balanced and each have a sense of purpose to them. (I especially like the demo, you get a shit load of pipe bombs). Every HL2 owner should have this.
I will have a blast alternating between this and TF2.
It is 100% top-notch. Not a single crash or bug that I encountered, graphics are great, gameplay is fun as hell, classes are balanced and each have a sense of purpose to them. (I especially like the demo, you get a shit load of pipe bombs). Every HL2 owner should have this.
I will have a blast alternating between this and TF2.

Steve: Yo tengo tu madre en mi pantalones, lolzo
Fire_cube: my mom is actually in MY pants
Fire_cube: youshithead
Is that a link to the server file, whteva I dl, and It says it's corrupt!
'I would probably smarten up before you meet Violet'.
'She has zero tolerance for idiots'.
fug's Obsidian files
fug's Obsidian clips
Obsidian wiki
Obsidian Map Database
'She has zero tolerance for idiots'.
fug's Obsidian files
fug's Obsidian clips
Obsidian wiki
Obsidian Map Database
Idk, i never rly had fun playing tfc. Although, it easily could be because I was horrible at it. Nevertheless, this mod is really freakin' good. Come stop by the SourceOp modded server sometime.

Steve: Yo tengo tu madre en mi pantalones, lolzo
Fire_cube: my mom is actually in MY pants
Fire_cube: youshithead