Ben. (Second from left)

Ben's first voyage to space with his brand new space shuttle. In this picture, the shuttle reaches Max Q.

Ben about to dock with his home.

Ben's space shuttle disintergrating after a major malfunction, which is believed to be happened due to listening of a space metal song 'Sybreed - Dynamic' and rapid slamming of the buttons in musical pace with the song.
All six crew members perished, expect Ben; he survived with no wounds. This act is called 'Sybreeding'.

Ben is the only person who has visited a nebula. If you look at the picture closely, you can see Ben's face in the cluster.
- NASA confirms that NASA astronauts listen to Ben's musical work when orbiting Earth. It is rumored that the music gives atmospherical feeling of outer space and gives mental power to the astronauts.
- Ben has an ability to rearrange his cells inside and be immortal (to feel no pain), as he describes in his song, 'Permafrost'. A DJ named Teukka has also covered the song; with a name 'Spermafrost'.