I did not make these models I merely converted them over to Obsidian Conflict for use by you!
Thanks to Makrontt le nécron, for the shine fix.
Update 1 > 7th March 2009:
You only need these files if you got the player model pack 2 before the 7th March 2009. It fixes issues with the shine on some of the models.
Update 2 > 26th March 2009:
This update is for those who have downloaded the pack prior to the 26th March 2009. This is an update to the VGUI selection pictures, download these and replace the old ones in your VGUI images folder.
Once your done, these should be added to the current model pack as well, so theres a update and a full version.
Also, does the selection pictures have proper alpha now? if not, give them to me and i add it.
lol you never told me how to do it so they dont have proper alpha =P
i just used a nice blue background i mean afterall the models more important than the selection picture but sure once ive finished up, proberbly within the next few hours depends how long it takes to test the next ones im adding on i will send a link
Last edited by Sonic on Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Also, side note, whom ever animates the player models for O.C. please don't make the same mistake value did... you do NOT hold your shot gun at the hip nor any gun, your just end up hurting your self and your never hit what your aiming at >_< you wold all your rifles like this.
but seriously.... Some of the best models I have ever seen... When I decide to take a break from Left4dead and play OC again, these SOOOO have my download.
Microsoft™ wrote:
my favorite thing to do is rape little children
hehe thanks I do hope people will enjoy this certainly random pack of player models =D
Though im still adding a few more, and the issue i believe with the L4D playermodels is the bone struture is apprently different from that of the standard half life 2 models, so unfortunatly when they get converted there necks get broken and they all look sideways lol as if confused =P