DL Links:
http://rapidshare.com/files/153874700/s ... 1.zip.html

Hot damn! I'll see about using these in oc_rising_dead!sgae wrote:here's is one i do, some decorative buildings.
DL Links:
http://rapidshare.com/files/153874700/s ... 1.zip.html
I sortof know the feeling - I've got some nice maps sitting on my harddrive too. I keep opening them up and going "what if", but then I keep getting caught up with all my other ongoing projects. I keep saying I'll get around to them, but I think I'm just deluding myselffug4life wrote:You konw I was a little sad to let it go after I posted it up here. But I got way too many started non finished projects.
Yea, it's going to be mainly the concept that I'll be using - I'd like to get 3 "layers" or levels out of it (ground, carpiles, and taller carpiles), and right now there's not enough "stuff" there yet, but the general feeling of the scrapyard is what I'm aiming for.Anyhow I'll shutup I can't sit here thinking of 'what if', look forward to the map. I'd be happy if you even only just took the concept, but whatever you can salvage...