Hello everyone. I first wan't to start off saying that this mod rules. Must be the best made so far. And what makes it even more great is Harvest. It's damn fun. First time playing it, my friend and I played it for like 8 hours straight before completeing it. And the same thing with Paysan.
And now I wonder, please is ANYone working on another harvest map?
And I know this thread dosen't go here but this is where all the attention is or something!
I'm hoping there will be more RTS style maps in the mod, but prehaps with more emphasis on combat for points and goodies, and with a bit of RPG element thrown in (i.e visit this guy get something go back visit that guy etc).
I know we have good merchant maps (Again the genius of Tysn). But I'd like more involved map where you live in and fight instead of travel through.
I suppose this is dungeon style but outdoors is what I'm seeking. Both Harvest and Paysan have that element where as fireteam and courier not so much.
A combat blend, I suppose is what I'm after.
'I would probably smarten up before you meet Violet'.
'She has zero tolerance for idiots'.
We got enogu farm maps,but the thing that would be good is that(for exemple)you are a police officer,arrest criminals,buy ranks for better weapons and offices etc.
Please don't take my posts before 2013 too seriously. It will be better for both you and I :c
-=jerC=- wrote:We got enogu farm maps,but the thing that would be good is that(for exemple)you are a police officer,arrest criminals,buy ranks for better weapons and offices etc.
Like RP?
I usually run from rockets.
Pretty straightforward.