Okay, second topic in this forum already. Sorry, but I have to ask this...
Now, I run a small dedicated server for OC, it's not great, but it works.
The trouble is, while it's fine normally, when more than two NPCs become aggressive towards players, suddenly the server is overrun by lag.
Normally, the packets are carefully setup for a very very small line, now at first glance, I would have said that was the problem..
But I tried to reconfigure the packets for my LAN line on the server, which goes above the maximum packet configuration.
Unfortunately, the lag is still occurring with the maximum possible CPU/RAM/Packet setup.
So, I believe it's a CPU usage issue. Thing is, I've checked the OS, and it tells me that SRCDS doesn't use all too much CPU, even when this lag occurs. Even so, it seems to be a CPU issue to me, still...
Is there any way I can fix this?
Server - NPC/CPU issue
Code: Select all
"sv_maxrate" "2500"
"sv_minrate" "1000"
"sv_maxupdaterate" "40"
"sv_minupdaterate" "20"
"mp_playercollide" "0"
"sv_voiceenable" "0"
"host_timescale" "0.8"
I calculated the figures there roughly from a CSS dedicated server site, so, I'm guessing they're probably out somewhat.
Though, looking at the cvar thread, it looks like
"net_queued_packet_thread 1" might fix my problem, as it logically seems to be that there's too much network being used, and not enough CPU. If that's what it does.
Edit: Whoops, forgot the hardware spec.
CPU is 1.8Ghz Dual Core AMD.
RAM is 3.00GB.
And OS is Win/NT6.
Only 64? The bar at the top of the console reports it's running 300 solid most of the time.Neico wrote:see my post about fps for cpu usage as server's fps is equal to how fast the server handles stuff so the more npcs that the more lags does it cause when it's limited to 64
I'm pretty much ready to run some more tests but there's some people playing harvest right now.

So, is that 300 true, or is it running at 64, but thinks it's 300?
No.. I also read on the CSS config site that it only needs an FPS booster to get to 1000. But, I'm running it on Windows Server, so I don't think it even has WMP.Neico wrote:when it says 300 then it is so, maybe you're running Windows Media Player in the background or so? (which is just the same as a fps booster)
Anyways I've reconfigured it to the setting suggested by the config topic. It's no longer lagging when in contact with NPCs, but it seems a bit shakey so I think I'll have to check the figures again. At least now the problem's been fixed. ^^