So here it is Oc_systems Mini Campaign, after fixing a million bugs (while i doupt i got them all) and months of work its finaly done.
a 4 map campaign

You have joined a rebel gang. Some kind of leader who calls herzelf Tania has send you on a mission to get into the combine factory, but this is not as easy as its on paper.

Here you wil break further into the factory by fighting combines and their machines. to reach the mainframe.

You passed the basic security of the factory, but the mainframe is still far away, by activating combine machines, you wil be able reach a higher destinations in the factory, and reach the mainframe.

Tania will support you in your journey.

The maps can be hard on some spots and its adviced to play this with a min of 3 players
The Map pack can be dl here:
Old map from 2011
Beta testers
New Version from 2016
Beta testers
-Uchi (With spelcheck)
-Shana (and server hosting)
-Hikonyan (and server hosting)
Feel Free to add to a map pack (with author name ofc)
Thanks for all the support. i realy appreciate it.