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Post by MaestraFénix »

Ok i played it. Well, is not a boring map. But the strange deaths of your character are bad. (a example is when you spawn in the exterior, randomly you die)
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Post by Tekeron »

What do you mean by spawn in the exterior?
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Post by MaestraFénix »

In the surface
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Post by Tekeron »

The surface as in outside where the battle is? At what points did this happen? How many people were in the server?

I'm guessing that it might be that I should make more spawn points, but I can't be sure yet.
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Post by MaestraFénix »

Yes, near the pilar of ammunition. I think that i die because another player stay in the same point of respawn.

P.D: I see a laser from a stalker, named "particule storm". Its very false.
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Post by Tekeron »

Ok it sounds like for some reason you're spawning from the destination of the teleporter that brings you to the surface. Odd.

I think one problem with the spawning issues you are having may be because of the number of spawn points and the small size of the spawn room. I am changing the size of the spawn room and adding more spawns. I'll try to look into a better way of placing the teleport destination from the spawnroom as well.

Sorry about the stalker. I'll be fixing it for the next version so its effects stay with it. I'll probably be removing its ability to use the laser, unless most people want it to use it.
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Post by -Zeo »

The mention of reliable snapshot overflow is...interesting. I have to say, ever since we ported it to Obscon during testing I never managed to have one of these (Despite my system usually being notorious for them). I even intentionally tried to cause one at one point to check strain and if it would cause one if you just sat still. It still didn't cause one. When you say 100 of each character...normally certain characters are supposed to dwindle or die out as new ones come. For example, when you kill the objective zombie amount and get the prize for it, zombie spawns are greatly reduced. Metros with manhacks stop with the APC comes and the regular metros are limited to one spawn. Rebels after their objective greatly diminish, ect. Did this not happen? Generally the spawns during testing were fairly controlled to the point that when fighting combine the rebels and antlions and zombies were pretty much gone, so few that you barely notice they're there. There are a number of limiters to ensure that it doesn't turn into NPC spam. I have to say since it was converted there hasn't been a time when we haven't been able to reliably play it the entire way through without crashing.

Also, V2 fixes are in the works.
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Post by Tekeron »

-Zeo wrote:For example, when you kill the objective zombie amount and get the prize for it, zombie spawns are greatly reduced. Metros with manhacks stop with the APC comes and the regular metros are limited to one spawn. Rebels after their objective greatly diminish, ect. Did this not happen?
Actually these are things that will happen in V2, not V1. However, yes, it's true that the RSO seemed to go away for me after porting it to Obsidian conflict. I'm curious as to why it is happening to some of the people who have played it.
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Post by Sabre »

SNOWMAN7 wrote:This map...

So basically, theres every single npc in hl2 in this map, and there are like 100x of each character.
People are dropping off the server around me because of reliable snapshot over flow.
and we were expecting the server to crash every minute!
This map pretty much brought npc spam to a whole new level

Hell, I was even expecting barnacles to start falling from the sky. I think that is the only npc that WASN'T in this map >.>

Hey, I like the design and idea and all, but I think npc spam is not the way to make a map :s
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Post by Ny »

SNOWMAN7 wrote:This map...

So basically, theres every single npc in hl2 in this map, and there are like 100x of each character.
People are dropping off the server around me because of reliable snapshot over flow.
and we were expecting the server to crash every minute!
This map pretty much brought npc spam to a whole new level

Hell, I was even expecting barnacles to start falling from the sky. I think that is the only npc that WASN'T in this map >.>

Hey, I like the design and idea and all, but I think npc spam is not the way to make a map :s
^ This.

I have begun to fear that a lot of the newer mapmakers for 1.35 are just secret npc_maker spammers
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Post by Andrax17 »

tried it today...everyones ping on the server raised to about 500-600.
the map lagged so hard it became unplayable and unejoyable.
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Post by Tekeron »

I'm sorry to hear that. At what stage of the map did the pings start to get that high? Maybe if I can pinpoint certain points where the pings go up to high I can try to lower the npc amount spawning at those times. I have already done this at certain points in V2, but it couldn't hurt to check for a few more places to change before releasing it.
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Post by fug4life »

W0rf0x used to have 40 npc's on screen at anyone time in his old onslaught map. I've kinda ever since then used that as a guide, but common sense also needs to prevail, you should consider each npc individually. i.e cost of rendering, movement complexities, cost of rendering attack, and then consider all that and the cost of rendering the enviroment around them. Obviously you can have more manhacks on screen than say hunters at anyone time. So try find a good balance.
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Post by Tekeron »

Thanks for the advice. :)

The number of npc's in the map at any one time is now, for the most part, 39 or less. I'm going to add something in soon to manage the headcrabs that inevitably come off of the zombies and stay around without getting killed for a long time.

Are there any good ways of testing whether or not the map will run alright for people who play it with a lot of others? Clearly it hasn't been running well for a number of people, crashing and lagging. Whats odd is I don't experience any of these issues while playing it, in V1 or V2, solo or with 2 players. Is there something that can be displayed using net_graph which would be particularly useful in determining this?
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Post by fug4life »

Its difficult if your system specs are high, also you have to bare in mind the server and its connection aswell as the clients.

I don't really know about testing ping performance, I suppose something with net_graph 3. Show budget can you test most things client side to do with rendering.

I always just look at the specs of the system I'm running on and think what the min sys req. would be like, then I try to keep framerates as high as possible.

Its not easy. But keep at it, you'll get there in the end.
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