Hatsune Miku/ Andrax 17:
Yes, the models come from the proyect: Touhou Fortress. Me and the team of the proyect are working to can convert the models. (they are trying to help me to resolve the "eyeball_r" error).
Tesla X-4:
frak . I sent some decompilated models to the team, and they are analyzing now. Well, probably this error is produced when i changed the original .mdl.
I don´t know create models yet (i continue working in my MP7), so i prefer convert from a existent model.
About the error, i googled all the internet. This error is common on TF2 decompilated models. In most cases,is produced because eyeball_r.vmt and eyeball_l use the same texture.
In this model (and all the Touhou models), there are 3 archives relationed with the eyes:
eyeball_r.vmt, eyeball_l.vmt and eye-iris.vtf (yes, this texture is utilized both eyeball_ .vmt as pupil_ .vmt).
I tried all: Renaming eye-iris as eye-iris_l and eye-iris_r, creating her .vmt, renaming as eyeball_l and _r .vmf, etc. And GUIstudioMDL continue giving the error.
I don´t have more ideas. What i shall do?