I got a Marine, tell you the truth I was hoping for Siege Tank pilot. Why can't I give you up siege tank?
Another loose-cannon gone bi-polar,
Slipped down, couldn't get much lower
Quick sands got no sense of humor,
I'm still laughing like hell
[Sound of Madness - Shinedown]
I'm afraid I have to (EDIT) BUMP UP THE MUSIC! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afun18DU6Mg
I got ghost. I think the description is hilarious.
You Have Been Chosen To Become a Ghost
As you've guessed by now, this has all been a test. We know that you've always felt... different. When your mom told you that you were "special" for hearing voices in your head, she wasn't kidding. Our wranglers have identified you as an individual with tremendous psionic abilities. However, until you learn how to control these abilities, you pose a danger to yourself and everyone around you. Luckily, the Dominion has a place for "special" people like you -- the Ghost Academy. You are hereby recruited into this elite institute to train as one of the Dominion's elusive ghost operatives. Pack nothing for your journey. Where you're going, your past life is irrelevant.