Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be made.

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Azure Edge
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Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be made.

Post by Azure Edge »

The aircraft model I ordered has finally dropped in my mailbox, and since this is a first model, and it's gonna be time consuming, I figured I might as well track my progress somewhere with it. So progress shall soon be made!

Day One:

Model arrived, I unboxed it, and holy smokin' jesus titties cinnamon the box is bigger than I expected. I think it's 16" X 11" X 4" or so. Any of ya'll who are wondering, this design is actually from the combat flight simulation game, Ace Combat 6. Bandai Namco released a set of custom paintjobs for some ingame planes with themes from their popular talent simulation game, The iDOLM@STER. This particular character's name is Chihaya Kisaragi (and I swear, she is the same age as me as of this writing).


After unboxing the package, I proceeded to take everything out and look for myself. Thing contains at least 5 sheets of parts for the main body, and 2 sheets of decals. Instructions are multilingual (for the most part), and most of the instructions are easy to read diagrams.


Whenever I go to the hobby shop for tools, progress shall be made!~

Card reader started working again!

Day One Pictures:
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Day Two Pictures:
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Day Three Pictures:
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I've been live casting most of it too, so if you feel like watching, come on down, follow my channel at to get a notification of when I start broadcasting.

Day 1 -
Day 1-1
Day 1-2
Day 1-3

Day 2 -
Day 2-1
Day 2-2

Day 3-
Day 3-1
Last edited by Azure Edge on Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:29 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by kisori »

...This reminds me I still need to finish my Huey chopper model.
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Re: Azure's F-15546545121684654156416549

Post by Arkusas »

Azure, get some nippers, a hobby knife, and some paint. If you spraypaint the trees before building, the model will look pretty good, but if you paint each individually after sanding the pieces, they'll look even better.
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Re: Azure's F-15546545121684654156416549

Post by kisori »

Arkusas wrote:Azure, get some nippers, a hobby knife, and some paint. If you spraypaint the trees before building, the model will look pretty good, but if you paint each individually after sanding the pieces, they'll look even better.
I'm glad I waited till I heard about this, now time to get out my never before opened or used air spray kit.
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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by Azure Edge »

eh I'm not sure about if I'm gonna use spray paint since I never saw it as being precise. And do instruction packets usually tell you what color paint to use and where to use it? I don't see it anywhere. I'm possibly going to broadcast at at occasional times while building it, listening to music, playing guitar, and such too.
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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by kisori »

Oh and Azure, it may be a stupid thing to say but, I wouldn't try doing the model on carpet or wood, if you have a Sun room it'd be best if you did it there or in a garage, because the paint could spill or an accident with the cement glue. I'm just trying to help you out.
"Back in my day we didn't have resolution, we played FPS with two nerf guns. And one was broken."

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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by Azure Edge »

Haha I'm using my PC desk lined with papers everywhere. It's all I have to use. I'll probably manage to be extra careful.
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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by Azure Edge »

Updated with links to past broadcasts
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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by MaestraFénix »

Yes, your aircraft is coming to be true.

I made a model some years ago (a Porsche 911). Some hours later finish it i suffered an alergic reaction. YES, i´m allergic to the glue used in model kits (i had to throw an incomplete Apache helicopter :( ).
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Re: Azure's F-15E Strike Eagle model, progress to soon be ma

Post by Azure Edge »

Day 3 update - Main body assembly complete
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