
Show off work in progress maps.
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Post by CondusMundus »

Just thought I would post some screenshots of my upcoming (currently dev-textured) map as it progresses through the development stages.

[thumbnail]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16864263/Screen ... ge0009.jpg[/thumbnail]
[thumbnail]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16864263/Screen ... ge0006.jpg[/thumbnail]
[thumbnail]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16864263/Screen ... ge0008.jpg[/thumbnail]

Reworking the lighting currently. Soon to add a simple 3d skybox and start on the entity work.

Please criticize, suggest and compliment as you see fit. I'll keep updating this first post when I reach different phases of development.
The Original Map Concept wrote:The players assume the role of urchins in the depths of a large futuristic city's waste dump. Every few minutes either fast zombies or antlions will spawn in varying quantities to attack the players. Before these attacks the players can gather (breakable) props such as wooden planks, crates and metal sheets that they can freeze into place to build small fortresses in the nooks and crannies of the building foundations. Once the players survive for long enough they can begin to pursue either a "Rescue Goal" or an "Escape Goal" by either powering up generators and building a radio transmitter or gathering supplies to build a ship of some sort. Or the players can choose not to pursue either of these goals and can instead see how long they can survive against greater and greater numbers of monsters.

There would also be randomly generated treasures that players can collect to open extra rooms or to unlock better weapons, and at least three unnecessary areas that could be scavenged for extra building materials or other bonuses.
Last edited by CondusMundus on Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:38 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Condus Mundus
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by DisConnected »

I wished for new maps for OC, now I think more are coming out than I can take, lol. Good to see them, nevertheless.

Anyways, I can't really judge the map too much, since there's no information or backstory given about it. Nice brushwork though.
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by fug4life »

Power of 2 on that geometry :thumbsupgabe:

Well, from your approach I'd say you've done this before, can't wait to see what you come up with. Theres a load of prefabs made by Tysn in the mapping section, if you need to get your head around some of oc's special ents.

Will be waiting...
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by CondusMundus »

DisConnected wrote:I wished for new maps for OC, now I think more are coming out than I can take, lol. Good to see them, nevertheless.

Anyways, I can't really judge the map too much, since there's no information or backstory given about it. Nice brushwork though.
Oops forgot the back story was in a different thread. Updated the first post now.
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by fug4life »

So, yeah this map is along ideas I got from Paysan and Harvest about salvaging scrap for cash and items whislt living in somesort of slums.

Stuff I think would be cool in this style map:

merchants of course selling weapons and lots of goodies (like the freezable barricades to create safe zones) need to be bought from here and there to make life in the slums worth living.

Rather than antlions and zombies have you thought about having combine controlled with say metrocops a bit like paysan, where you can rebel against the system from time to time. You could even from time to time have random raids by combine on your safe housed areas (areas players have frozen lots of props, assuming a base or barricade is there, they raid that area).

Have a tunnel where the raiders can enter the slums via apc's and have a nice sky box where dropships can enter.

Something like that.

I considered a more role play where players could earn more points working for combine (litter picking, guard duty, working in a shop or something)and doing as they are told, or they could struggle a living and eventually meet the right people where they can access the means to rebel and uprise, like rob banks and stuff. Grand theft auto if you will, where you can play the came and never come under attack from combine unless you dont do as your told.

All this concept comes from the metrocop in hl2 where you're made to put the can in the bin.

Hope all that makes sense, I really think if your dedicated enough you could really pull off a huge map where players can assume the roles both good or bad depending on how you look at how you live you life in the said city.

I typed that fast, gtg would liek to write more about this.
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by CondusMundus »

Actually, it's going to be more like living in a rusty/concrete version of the "Canals" in HL2 and less like actually living in the "slums" of a large city. The (currently) medium sized area that the players explore is more of the persuasion of the foundations of huge industrial buildings. Also, aside from the players, there will only be antlions and possibly fast/poison zombies occasionally. I wanted to give the idea of "human sewer rats" especially with the whole process of building barricades out of discarded building materials. I also was considering allowing the players to "upgrade" their building materials after they find user manuals for some of the large processing machines that could be found.

All of this is still under consideration though.
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by fug4life »

Aight, sounds like you know what you want, I respect that, it sounds like a good concept.
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by MaestraFénix »

[finishing the antlion/zombie issue]Ok, i thought that it was scripted, but you have right. Ok then.[/finish]
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by CondusMundus »

Well shoot. I ran into a design issue with the building material upgrade system so I may not be able to post any new screenshots for a bit (mostly 'cause there won't be any visual changes until I start testing the build feature). Once I work things out I should have some new stuff to show off though.
Condus Mundus
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by CondusMundus »

Okay, so I've worked out some things. First is, there will be 4 major groups of debris/trash that can be collected.

1. Clutter -this is just random useless trash, you will most likely drop it immediately after recognizing its less-than-usefulness.
2. Metal -metal can be processed into better metal to build stronger barricades by putting it through a machine.
3. Wood -easy to move and set up, mostly used for closing off small areas and starting barricades.
4. Computer parts -if/when I add some sort of system with which you can build things like guns and turrets these will be a vital material to stock pile.

Also, props will come into the area of play by either falling out of holes in the walls and ceilings or by just plain falling off the ledges above the players heads.

Eventually I need to increase the overall area of the map to allow for more "searching" and less "picking it up at your feet and using it" but for now I'll work with the room I have.

Any suggestions as to how to set up a "crafting" system are appreciated, I already have a good idea of what I'm going to do but want to see some other ideas first.

Last edited by CondusMundus on Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Condus Mundus
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by fug4life »

Hope you dont mind there will be metal salvaging in my deathrace map, but mainly car parts as its a race map. The rest of the map is based on racing, so hopefully it shouldnt clash with yours.

Looking forward to your map none the less.
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by CondusMundus »

I feel kinda funny after a whole day of Gmod-WireMod yesterday. I just got WireMod the day before (for the first time) so I was just getting used to how it functions when I realized I wasted a whole Saturday. Now I'm bummed 'cause I forgot to spend some time mapping or at least to post some screenshots. Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to catch up today.

My next project is going to figure out how to get a 3d skybox on this monster. Hopefully it'll be just as easy as the actual building stage.
Condus Mundus
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Re: OC_Slavage/OC_Urchin

Post by CondusMundus »

Well, after a ton of stuff happening in real life, this project is on hold for a while.
Condus Mundus
Language of origin: Latin
Meaning: Builder of Worlds
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