Why are there no custom melee weapons in the mod?

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Why are there no custom melee weapons in the mod?

Post by DisConnected »

Imagine, slicing a zombie in half with a katana or impaling a fast zombie to a wall with a throwing spear while it's jumping. Or Sparta kicking a combine off one of those cliffs in the Sandtraps chapter.

I don't think I was the first to come up with this idea, is there some line of code that prevents you from making them? Can't you copy the coding of the crowbar, add custom sounds to it, and make it explode an antlion or slice a zombie in half when you kill them with it?
Oh, don't be such a baby. Episode 3 will come out.

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No it won't.
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Re: Why are there no custom melee weapons in the mod?

Post by Neico »

because it isn't done yet in the code, maybe in the next version, maybe not...
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Re: Why are there no custom melee weapons in the mod?

Post by Keychain »

It likely will. Seeing as we've already got a custom melee weapon in the works, the only thing we need now to execute it is that very code.
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Re: Why are there no custom melee weapons in the mod?

Post by MaestraFénix »

DisConnected wrote:I don't think I was the first to come up with this idea, is there some line of code that prevents you from making them? Can't you copy the coding of the crowbar, add custom sounds to it, and make it explode an antlion or slice a zombie in half when you kill them with it?
Doesn´t work. You will have the fraking "Custom_nameoftheweapon doesnt have advanced options" error.
Neico wrote:because it isn't done yet in the code, maybe in the next version, maybe not...
That. Also i requested it some days ago:

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