Might, or might not be made into a proper weapon.
Why would it be a replacement for a 6 shot revolver, when it's a single shot grenade launcher?-=jerC=- wrote:Awesome,will it be a replacement for the 357 or a custom weapon?
Arg,didn't look enough at the gun..Nirrti wrote:Why would it be a replacement for a 6 shot revolver, when it's a single shot grenade launcher?-=jerC=- wrote:Awesome,will it be a replacement for the 357 or a custom weapon?
Could be that but for me it reminds me of the m203 nade launcher,I know the system is different,I'm talking about the size,smaller than any nade launchers,except for the Walter Kampfpistole Z.Axel_m3sh wrote:Holy crap awesome, it reminds me of Killing Floor's m79 nade launcher, just a miniaturized version of it lol
lololololololMaestro Fénix wrote:a small weapon that you can hide in your pants).
I pretty much answered that in my earlier post already.DisConnected wrote:Well, alright I guess. I would still prefer launching grenades from something the size of an assault rifle, but that's just me. I still can't picture any kind of army using this though, even if the army does consist of hobos with stolen weapons.
"Oh no, it's a tank!"
"What do we do?!?!"
"Not to worry, Jeff, I have my trusty Pisto-Nade Launcher!" *pulls out the Pisto-Nade Launcher from his belt*