oc_NervA -Updated June11-

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oc_NervA -Updated June11-

Post by Funjob »

Nerv A was the first campaign of the NERV set of maps. It's mostly likely the last considering what type of feedback I'll get on it.

I wanted to personally thank the people on the Obsidian Conflict forums for encouraging me to finish this map.

Description: NervA takes place during the sequence of events of the popular anime movie, The End of Evangelion. Players find themselves working as NERV personnel in Central Dogma and their mission is to defend NERV headquarters until the bitter end. The commander of your squad however, may have a different goal in mind.

Obsidian Conflict and Counter Strike: Source, only found testing stable at 4 people.
This map only uses some materials and weapons from CSS, I've had testruns where people didn't have CSS, and were perfectly able to play the map, while missing some sounds and having some purple circus.

  • Around 8 scripted weapons and custom ammo
  • custom skins for Nerv and JSDF forces
  • Puzzles that don't require Co-Op
  • Co-Op Gameplay
  • Tons of Custom Materials
  • A one hour campaign
  • Based in the Evangelion Universe
  • Tons of custom SFX and BGM
  • Certain Events differ on Gameplay
  • Scoring system and grade system at the end of the map
  • Hardcore Mode
  • Difficult end bosses
  • Familiar scenes
  • Hard as balls gameplay
Known Bugs: Some mis-materialed surfaces and minor bugs.
Updated, File size 120MB.

Credits: In game

Please be sure to give me feedback on the map, you can do it in this thread, via E-mail(Funjob@fjmaps.com) or on the comments on my website.

It sure was a lot of fun working on this map, sorry I couldn't get this thing out sooner.

For those who haven't followed the development or read this thread entirely, I will reiterate.

This map was made and released 'as is' to provide to those who wanted to see it after so much time in WIP. Thus I won't be wasting my time on it anymore. The reason why it felt like an alpha is because it mostly was. I'm pretty sure this will be my last map in OC because of the amount of custom content I want in my larger maps. It simply isn't good for OC considering smaller maps with less custom content are more likely to be played no matter how great or how much re playability a map has. Also, again, this map was designed around a bulk of testing with 2 people with 4 players in mind. Anything above the map really isn't designed for. I would say that the perfect amount of people would be 2-3. There will not be a squeal or any further fixes to Nerv as I stand now.

Last edited by Funjob on Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by MaestraFénix »



When i back to home i'll test it.

Also, maybe start working in the Asuka and Rei models.

:potd: :potd: :potd: :potd: :potd: :potd: :potd: :potd:

EDIT: SHIT, their faces are broken :(
Last edited by MaestraFénix on Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by fug4life »


Holy shit, how many years in the making, well done! I'm downloading now!

Edit oooh you used the m4w/LAM, I've scripted thatw eapon too...
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by fug4life »

I've added you and your map to the map data base :



I had to use your link as the download mirror, as for some reason the database won't allow single uploads of 250 + mb's :o

Feel free to edit the database pages if you want to change anything.

Edit: I also featured it, which means it'll pop-up on the main page features section from time to time.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by Funjob »

Nice, thanks.
Did anyone have a chance to play it yet?
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by MaestraFénix »

Funjob wrote:Nice, thanks.
Did anyone have a chance to play it yet?
I just dl and extract it. Starting to play with it in a few minutes.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by fug4life »

Aight I think I'm somewhere near the half-way mark. I had to take a break, map is quite long if you're playing on your own.

First area, there are some health vials spamming from the map's origin. this happens when an item is placed badly (i.e inside geo or another model).

I'm not sure how I worked the lift as I died and respawned in next area. I just see one missing texture on the next creepy level.

I'm now up to the fan area.

I'll play some more tomorrow.

Weapons work well, good to see the two laser sighted weapons, like I said I was going to release, bnut glad you've done it.

No other real problems.

The second area is my favourite so far I really liked the atmosphere. The map's texturing is a little unusual though, I guess it adds to the theme of the map. I really like the style of play. Voice acting is good, and use of music, I really like the system shock ambient music.

Feels a bit like oc_cannon mixed with oc_broken_escape :o

So far so good, tomorrow or later I'll play more, but really want to discover the rest of the map with others!

I'll give a propper bug report and feed back later.

Thanks for giving us a decent map that makes use of oc unique features! Its nice to see custom waypoints, custom weapons and ammo and model skins!

In short:

I really felt immersed in some wierd universe, certainly foriegn to the hl2 universe, love it so far...
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by Funjob »


I was really unsure about using so many custom objects because of the filesize for the map. The map now is practically a mini-mod though.
When I ran most playtests on this map, I found a range of 30 minuets to 120 minuets depending on if the player has played the map before. I had people get stuck on the second level trying to figure out the battery part and what to do after it. The second part was puzzle 2 and lastly how to get to the 2nd to last level of the map. The latter caused one test team not to finish the map. They weren't the brightest bunch of testers I guess.

Also, what texture was missing? Packing all of these files is a nightmare because I have 3 directories I have to send files to every time I edit something. I'll just repack the original zip and add a fix zip for people who downloaded the older one.

I'm also aware of the bug for the MauserC96, it has a problem that makes it unequipable if you have any other weapons on you. The Mauser is only in one spot, so I didn't feel like taking it out when it came to release, surprisingly, it would have been a lot to figure out what files I needed to delete. The other bug I'm also aware of is that if you fail the ending of the map, it might not kill you in specific spots of the lower levels.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by Shana »

Its missing a .res file for the custom stuff.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by MaestraFénix »

OK, I just finished it.

Let´s gonna start with the review:

Attention. The following contain spoilers.

1st part:

Things spawn in the middle of the zone (grenades?)

it just me or the textures of the 1st and 2nd hologram are very low quality?

Put a waypoint to indicate where is the armory and where is the room to start "the panic event".

Allied npcs doesnt have any chance against the enemy.

"Sudden" enemy spawn in the upper zone (IN THE MOVIE THEY ATTACK FROM DOWN, NOT FROM UP), that "kills" inmediatly any player in the 2 zones.

Put a waypoint to indicate when you can escape of there (i was 5 minutes fighting when i realized that the doors of the left are destroyed).

The HDR makes the walls look "strange" (maybe look better without HDR, or is about a value in their vmt?).

2nd part:

Put waypoints to indicate where you have to go when, for example, one of the doors open.

In the room where is the computer, you can "clip" the desk.

(Sometimes) you get lost easy in the corridors.

3rd part:

Like in the 1st part, the walls and random missing textures.

(optional) Why there is a pirate ship in the LCL lake?

(personal comment) OMG the look of Adam XD

You could have been used the "Apache" model remplacement for the Combine helicopter, it would fit better.

4th part (last):

The bug with the walls and textures (this time is missing textures in something like a book/CD, apart another things).

Is easy get lost and die in the flooded vents.

I dont know what i have to do in the room where is the Mauser (use one of the levers to enable the blocked one?).

Glitch in the C96 Mauser: The only way to select it is dropping all your weapons (i have this bug normally in my scripted weapons. Normally is fixed rewritting again the script, but sometimes not).

When starts the final part, put the spawnzone outside of the elevator, there is a lot of distance from the final.

2 minutes arent enough to get rid of the soldiers and escape (raise the time or make more close the spawnzone).

(bug?) Didnt die instantenly in the end (YES, I REACHED THE FINAL AT 00:00), first "killing" made me stay at 16 hp, the second killed me directly.


Missing textures in the seats.


Soldiers makes too much damage (you full of health and energy+4 bullets from enemy=dead), even the melee attack!!!

The pistols are a bit unnecesary due the necesity of killing fast the enemy (only used the beretta at the end, to killing at large distance).

The design in some parts of the map reminded a GoldSrc game (too much blocky, but is not negative at all).

(optional) use npc_grunt instead of combine (really doesnt matter, is only for the "pzzzzz" death).

(If is possible) put subtitles or raise the volume of the commander, is hard to listen him sometimes.


Ambient (lighting and music): 9.5 (you did a great work selecting and putting in the right moment every music).

Dificulty: EXTREME (you liked the "Realistic" dificulty of "Deus Ex", right?).

Level Design: 8 (is low due the "blocky" aspect of some zones, but in general is excelent).

Duration: Long (1:12 h).

Custom stuff: 9 (no custom w_model for the MP7 :( ).

Replaybility (yes, i know that i wrote it bad): 10 (i missed somethings that looked another ways/secrets).

Cooperative: Yes, 7 (you need your friends to kill more faster the enemy, apart of that, you can done perfectly alone the map).

I liked especially the second part, it was completely unexpected for me, and like the light modification for the fast zombie (is a custom model or is done in Hammer?). The easter eggs are good, the names of the soldiers are funny ("This JSSDF grunt needs a name"/"Demoman"/"Where is the bathroom" XD), the "Score screen" was very good, and in general, it was funny play it.

But the thing that still wondering me is that EVERYTHING are in a single map (maybe if you cut in some maps the performance will raise?).

The only thing that i want test is if is possible play more of 4 players (who knows?, maybe is not unstable at all).

You can see some screenshots in my Steam profile.

TL;DR: A great map, FunJob. Continue making this pieces of living art!!!

P.D: I´M IN THE CREDITS AT THE END ([/Trollface] i unexpected that, so i couldnt take a photo (the next time)).



I revised the entire thread of the WIP, and well, during all this time the entire map had been showed from the first posts.

Anyway, i still without understanding why i appear in the credits. Is because i "call" you 2 times?
Last edited by MaestraFénix on Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by fug4life »

Aswell as the .res file, if people experience crashes upon custom_weapon pick up in multiplayer on dedicated servers, it could be because your custom soundscript is using a BASE setup rather than a cfg/oc_NervA_soundscript.txt.
Just thought I'd mention it as it may be an issue that pops up.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by Funjob »

W0rf0x wrote:Its missing a .res file for the custom stuff.
I didn't know source still used .res files, is there any generator or do I have to write this out? It was kinda my first big map release on Source, most of my larger maps were done on Goldsource.
Maestro wrote:Anyway, i still without understanding why i appear in the credits. Is because i "call" you 2 times?
I honestly wouldn't have finished the map if people were not interested.

As far as the bugs and missing textures are concerned, I'll repackage the map with the fixes later today.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by fug4life »

Try this: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/Hal ... aker;34374

I've never used but hopefully it'll work.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by Funjob »

http://fjmaps.com/maps/oc_NervA_Fix.7z is the fix for the files, I'll reupload the original with the fixes applied. If that res file doesn't work, I wrote my own set of scripts that made a different .res file. The one in the 7z, is the one from the generator. I had to apply some fixes to it afterwords, but I think it should work.

This one includes a .res and the missing textures. That's all.
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Re: oc_NervA

Post by MaestraFénix »

Funjob wrote:
Maestro wrote:Anyway, i still without understanding why i appear in the credits. Is because i "call" you 2 times?
I honestly wouldn't have finished the map if people were not interested.

As far as the bugs and missing textures are concerned, I'll repackage the map with the fixes later today.


This probably will be the only Nerv map that will see, or maybe are hope to see another?
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