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Obsidian Conflict
Map: de_aztec (mapadded mini mission)
Mapadd Script by fug4life
Primary Objective:
Wait for other prisoners and make a combined escape! Saftey in numbers, choose your moment well!
Secondary Objective:
Find and kill the leaders who are responsible for your captivity!
Special Thanks:
Markworth - Apc model.
Ultradreamer - Armory crate model.
Kain - Landmine, Claymore and Barbedwire models.
Sam - Cammonet model.
Spine - Cammonet skin.
Once you start your escape the guard/s will become hostile from then onwards. So it is better to wait a while, make sure you plan your escape together as a group (wait for more players to join the game).
Download 7.7mb .rar (extract to your obsidian folder, contains .res file):
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20884155 ... add_v2.rar
P.s. Enjoy and try to ignore the human_assassin jump bug for now

V2 changelog
*added vehicle script, set mass to 1600, I tried 3000, 5000 but it just causes the apc 'flip-out even worse'.
*added medkit to spawn items.
*added physcannon to spawn items, you can use this to bump the apc about if one desires.
*added healer to blackhawk.
*changed all barbed wire to be non-solid.
*Updated briefing with spelling fixes to credits.
The update was in response to W0rf0x's screen shot of some poor soul trapped under the apc that was stuck on barb'd wire. Hopefully I can loose my title of oc_mapping _king