Siege (OC Remix) (V3 released!)

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Siege (OC Remix) (V3 released!)

Post by MaestraFénix »


Author: Rickets007 (Original map)/ Maestro Fénix (OC version)
.bsp filename: cs_siege_pcs_oc_v3
Date of release: 19/11/11 (V1)- 21/04/12 (V2)- 28/04/13 (V3)
Game Requirements: CSS
Suggested Players: 2 - 8
Estimated time to beat the map: 15-20 minutes (medium)
Type of the game: Co-op
Size: 40mb on bz2, 130mb uncompressed.

Obsidian Conflict Map Database page:

Is recommended use FastDL in the server for a quick downloading of the files.


Uncompressed files

Compressed files

Uncompressed (OC Map Database mirror)


The map is a remake of the Counter-Strike 1.x map cs_siege but with several additions. Rickets007 wanted to keep the feel of this map as close to the original cs_siege as possible. He kept the same layout as in the original map but added to the inner complex almost doubling its size. Furthermore, he reworked the sewer system to be less linear and included two additional access points.

Started as a mapAdd experiment, finally it ended as a map. After get his permission, i modified lightly the map, removing the hostages and other elements that doesnt work in Obsidian Conflict, and added entities to make the "mission". I optimized as i can the map with the new elements, and the test shows that the number of FPS are good (60 the lowest, 230 the highest). The files (map+custom content), with the bz2 compressor, have the size of 38mb (more or less). The total size decompressed is around 117mb.


You are part of the BLUESHIFT H.E.V. SQUAD of the Black Mesa Research Center. Your squad is specialized in combat using HEVs, so you have been sent to a distant outpost belonging to Black Mesa to recover the communications. The outpost, situated in the north, host a part of the servers that the Black Mesa Research Center uses for their investigations.


"The continuous signal that emits the outpost has been stopped, and due the confusing images and radio signal that we could recieve before lost completely the contact, we believe that the staff that works there are under an attack of a possible terrorist group. Your mission is simple: Reach the outpost, neutralize any enemy there, and restore the communications.

Is a shame that no one of your group cant be here in this great day. I´m sure that you would be prefered to stay here to watch the great experiment that the scientists are ready to do at this moment, but the duty calls. Dont worry, if everything happens as i think, i´ll be able to tell ours what happened.

Good luck.

Ah, a last thing, boys. Kate says that every one of you are invited to the party of this tonight. Heh heh.












  • 5 new weapons.
  • A multi passenger armored vehicle.
  • Custom props.
  • A new model of an enemy.
  • Waiting Room (no more people rushing just when they end load the map. With this, the people will have 1 minute to load the map, allowing play it just in the beginning).
  • Half-Life style.


Rickets007: Original map creator
Maestro Fenix: OC version creator
Twinke Masta
Teh Snake
Cool Ranch
Frere D´Arme
DEAN (APC model) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Provenance mod

z33ky for the scientist voices

Special Thanks to

The OC community


Uncompressed files

Compressed files

Uncompressed (OC Map Database mirror)

  • You will need at least 2 players in order to can play this map. Is necessary for activate the dual buttons.
  • Make sure that there are space when you are going to left the vehicle. You can get stuck in walls/ceiling (dont left the vehicle in the tight "tunnels" of the garage, and watch out with the ducts of the ceiling).


  • Improved lighting and HDR.
  • Fixed APC turret firing when there wasn´t a gunner.
  • Fixed APC turret gun fire playing on only one part of the map.
  • AI improved: All the human enemies now takes cover and assaults. Also, now the H.E.C.U. fights agaisnt the Black Ops.
  • Not longer needed to the players "visit" the spawn zones of the enemies to start the assault.
  • Remplaced and improved battery and medkit.
  • Reworked waiting room.
  • Lowered the position and FOV of the medkit.
  • Added a graphical indicator when the APC not longer can be used.
  • Changed a bit the ending: Now is required to all the players to be at the end, along with the pendrive.
  • Added more anti-griefing systems.
  • Lowered the time of the dual buttons.
  • Added lobby and thumb textures.
  • Remplaced model of the Stryker for a new one (APC).
  • Fixed strange problem with the HDR and refractions.
  • Added HDR.
  • Added new Healer (new model, textures and animations).
  • Fixed a strange bug that could make trapped the players in the waiting room.
  • Remplaced some brushwork for models.
  • Fixed credits list (deleted thieves and added the original authors of the creations).
  • Added new v_model for the grenade.
  • Fixed ironsights of the Python, M3 and USAS 12.
  • Added a new segment of the map that extends the time of the map in 5 minutes at least.
  • Improved a bit the rigging of the Black Ops model.
  • Added glowing red lenses to the Female Black Ops (as a quick-fix until the next version of OC).
  • Improved the AI of the enemy wave. Now is more effective and not longer runs to the Control Room.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the plot.
  • Remplaced the battery and the medkit models for a new ones.
Last edited by MaestraFénix on Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:34 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by Ark »

Good job, looks really nice, I will see if I can get it into the server right now.

It just got added to our game server.


You don't need two players at all, you can simply press both very quickly and you will still be able to play the map alone. I suggest moving one button away to the opposite side so both players are required.
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by MaestraFénix »

Ark wrote: EDIT:

You don't need two players at all, you can simply press both very quickly and you will still be able to play the map alone. I suggest moving one button away to the opposite side so both players are required.
Yeah, i noted that when i take this afternoon the photos. I´ll do it for the next version.

Hmmm, i have to guess that everything works? no missing textures and sounds? enemy ragdolls works?
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by Ark »

Maestro Fénix wrote:
Ark wrote: EDIT:

You don't need two players at all, you can simply press both very quickly and you will still be able to play the map alone. I suggest moving one button away to the opposite side so both players are required.
Yeah, i noted that when i take this afternoon the photos. I´ll do it for the next version.

Hmmm, i have to guess that everything works? no missing textures and sounds? enemy ragdolls works?
We just finished it, the APC was pretty hard to control and we were missing a texture on the handgun (the regular one). The rest worked all fine.
Oh yeah also the grammar mistakes on the infos given at start could be corrected, but I don't want to be a grammar nazi or anything :)
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by MaestraFénix »

Ark wrote:We just finished it, the APC was pretty hard to control and we were missing a texture on the handgun (the regular one). The rest worked all fine.
Oh yeah also the grammar mistakes on the infos given at start could be corrected, but I don't want to be a grammar nazi or anything :)

FUUCK (what the hell? z33ky was the only one who had the problem, and i thought that i was fixed it).

About the apc control, yeah, is not perfect. It cost me a lot of time found the perfect balance between the phymodel, model and script. One wrong value and the APC will be sunk or "fly".

And well, if you can tell me what i have to fix in the info textures, i would be pleased.

P.D: You could have been "called" me to see the reaction of players D:
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by MaestraFénix »

This will fix the missing v_model textures of the Beretta, grammar errors, and improve a bit better the vehicle.

Other things like the add of HDR, the fix in the credits, and the new models will be added in the next version.
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by Dominic »

Here's some feedback Maestro. Upon entering the tunnel another arrow pointed to activating the energy, but I noticed the enter the tunnel one hadn't disappeared, doesn't make much of a difference and you probably won't want to recompile for a small thing like that. However an easy fix would be a trigger_multiple at the entrance of the tunnel, with the output onendtouchall disable the indicator for tunnel entrance. Here's a screen so you get what I mean ... ik391i.jpg . Another thing I noticed was that the world model of the Beretta has no texture. Look at ... apLefa.jpg to see . Another problem I saw after driving the apc into the bunker wall and dieing a few times was an invisble model spazzing about if you bump into it. Here's a video I recorded. . Lastly it took me a little bit to actually drive the apc through the hole and I had gotten a bit frustrated, but that's probably because my lack of sleep. Anyways, at that time I crashed, but I also had alt tabbed to get fraps up which made all my fences purple and black, so I'm not sure if I crashed from the map it self or from alt tabbing. I'll try the rest hopefully tomorrow or later and give you some more feedback :). If you do end up recompiling I'd wait for some more feedback and not just the starter area like I did, it would be a pain to recompile and find out that you have to recompile again. Hopefully this helps man.
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by MaestraFénix »

Dominichax wrote:Here's some feedback Maestro. Upon entering the tunnel another arrow pointed to activating the energy, but I noticed the enter the tunnel one hadn't disappeared
I had to put it for indicate the players where they must go. Yeah, sadly today, the intelligence of the players is low, and they spent time in the river or in the door.
Dominichax wrote:Another thing I noticed was that the world model of the Beretta has no texture.
:evil: How the hell some players see it fine and another no? I´ll check it.
Dominichax wrote:Another problem I saw after driving the apc into the bunker wall and dieing a few times was an invisble model spazzing about if you bump into it.
Ah yes, that strange glitch. No idea what it is, or what cause it. Is not a collision model (you cant see it in wireframe), and the collision model of the prop_prisioner_pods are deactivated. Is happening since the vehicle_test map. Just jump/avoid it.
Dominichax wrote:Lastly it took me a little bit to actually drive the apc through the hole and I had gotten a bit frustrated, but that's probably because my lack of sleep.
You used the fix?
Dominichax wrote:Anyways, at that time I crashed, but I also had alt tabbed to get fraps up which made all my fences purple and black, so I'm not sure if I crashed from the map it self or from alt tabbing.
No idea. Probably for doing alt-tabbing. The map doesnt consume many resources (the only crash that i had in OC was with the Nerv map).
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Re: CS_Siege (OC Remix)

Post by MaestraFénix »

Updated the .RES file and the Fix. This should be fix permanent the texture in the handgun, and make the vehicle better (if you continue having problems with this, you shouldnt be the driver). New .RES file New Fix
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Re: CS_Siege V2 (OC Remix) (V2 released!)

Post by MaestraFénix »

V2 released:


Server files

Client files

Complete (Server+Client files)

Complete (OC MapDatabase mirror)



Remplaced model of the Stryker for a new one (APC).
Fixed strange problem with the HDR and refractions.
Added HDR.
Added new Healer (new model, textures and animations).
Fixed a strange bug that could make trapped the players in the waiting room.
Remplaced some brushwork for models.
Fixed credits list (deleted thieves and added the original authors of the creations).
Added new v_model for the grenade.
Fixed ironsights of the Python, M3 and USAS 12.
Added a new segment of the map that extends the time of the map in 5 minutes at least.
Improved a bit the weight of the Black Ops model.
Added glowing red lenses to the Female Black Ops (as a quick-fix until the next version of OC).
Improved the AI of the enemy wave. Now is more effective and not longer runs to the Control Room.
Fixed some inconsistencies with the history.
Remplaced the battery and the medkit models for a new ones.

Everything is ready to download, install and play. Proper RES files too.

The subtitles for the scientist/VOX voices have been dropped for V2 and it will be added in the V3, that it will appear when the next version of OC gets released, since it will support custom subtitles for each map.

I want to remember that the bugs about the APC (drivers getting killed by explosions/turret friendly fire/360º X and Y rotation) are due the code of the buggy/Jalopy, a bug in the func_tank entity, and the complete rotation for avoid strange problems with firing.

You can play it now in the Raiden/XenoAisam server:

Thanks to Dominichax, Ark and Raiden for the reporting bugs help and gameplay test.
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Re: CS_Siege V2 (OC Remix) (V2 released!)

Post by Dominic »

This is a good update, I hope to play it on a server with other people soon.
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Re: CS_Siege V2 (OC Remix) (V2 released!)

Post by MaestraFénix »

I finally found why for some people the medkits that you find on the floor have wrong UVmaps, as well as why the old battery skin still showing on the map:

I packed the old model of the medkit and the old skin with the new model of the battery.

Raiden reported to me this bug since the release date, but i couldn´t find why it was happening.

List of bugs fixed and (probably) changes on V3:
  • Better animations for the medkit (on progress).
  • Fixed the view FOV of the medkit.
  • Old battery skin and wrong UVmaps of the medkit item (the medkits you find on the ground).
  • MORE anti-griefing systems.
  • New multi-passenger and turret vehicle system. This would finally fix the "invisible" phymodel made by the pods and the Friendly Fire of the turret (under experimentation, nothing 100% assured).
  • Re-adjust (AGAIN) of the damage and health of the alien enemies (due the heavy request).
  • Reworked waiting room.
  • Better battery and medkit models (under concept stage).

*The subtitles will finally come as a quick patch when the next version of OC can support them, apart of any update*

Also, although the performance of the map is good, i think i can improve it a bit more. And if it doesn´t mean a high rise of the entdata, maybe i can make return the original soundscapes and making them work on OC (the map is silent when you aren´t fighting).
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Re: Siege (OC Remix) (V3 released!)

Post by MaestraFénix »

V3 released:


Server files

Client files

Server (OC Map Database mirror)



Improved lighting and HDR.
Fixed APC turret firing when there wasn´t a gunner.
Fixed APC turret gun fire playing on only one part of the map.
AI improved: All the human enemies now takes cover and assaults. Also, now the H.E.C.U. fights agaisnt the Black Ops. Not longer needed to the players "visit" the spawn zones of the enemies to start the assault.
Remplaced and improved battery and medkit.
Reworked waiting room.
Lowered the position and FOV of the medkit.
Added a graphical indicator when the APC not longer can be used.
Changed a bit the ending: Now is required to all the players to be at the end, along with the pendrive.
Added more anti-griefing systems.
Lowered the time of the dual buttons.
Added lobby and thumb textures.

I did my best, but I can´t fix the APC driver getting killed (my last option, a driver contolling the APC with a game_ui, failed), the friendly fire of the turret (impossible if the turret isn´t used directly) and the soundscapes (for some unknown reason, the mod doesn´t read the scripts, so we will continue without having CSS soundscapes). Anyway, I want to thank to Raiden and all the testers for their feedback.

P.D: If you participated on the public test of yesterday, the inmense HDR bright has been already fixed. Some values of the tonemap went crazy (whoops :P ).

Note: For unknown reasons, if you play on local on 1.35, you will not be able to switch to the pistol unless you drop a weapon. This doesn´t happen on the next versions or when playing online.
Last edited by MaestraFénix on Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siege (OC Remix) (V3 released!)

Post by RocketRunner »

EDIT: Whoops, I realized that the link in the OP works fine. Sorry.

I will say, though, I'm a bit confused by the client installation. Was I supposed to extract the folders into their usual places in the main Obsidian folder, or is it intended to be dropped into Add-ons? I unzipped a bunch of stuff, but not everything.
I usually run from rockets.
Pretty straightforward.
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Re: Siege (OC Remix) (V3 released!)

Post by MaestraFénix »

RocketRunner wrote:EDIT: Whoops, I realized that the link in the OP works fine. Sorry.

I will say, though, I'm a bit confused by the client installation. Was I supposed to extract the folders into their usual places in the main Obsidian folder, or is it intended to be dropped into Add-ons? I unzipped a bunch of stuff, but not everything.
Although is possible to use and play the maps as an addon, Neico warned me about do not using it, since it would overload the resources of the mod (as well as other things that I don´t remember like using a system for the wrong usage and such). Just drop it on their files.

I recommend to everyone that isn´t a server admin to download the server mirror, since the client is for the FastDL sites (the files are compressed, so the players will download them quickly).
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