Respawn Console Command?

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Respawn Console Command?

Post by Dokudoku »

I play OC with mainly me and a few buddies, and some maps (puzzles usually) have limited lives. This is very stupid & dumb because puzzle maps often have traps and take multiple tries to get past certain parts, but it is impossible if we die and lose all 3 lives.

I was googling forever and couldn't find any command to disable limited lives, or force respawn. All I found was mp_forcerespawn (which doesn't do anything to force respawn to my knowledge) and mp_respawnwavetime (which also doesn't help to respawn). Any ideas?

tl;dr any way to either force respawn after losing all lives or turn on unlimited lives?
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Re: Respawn Console Command?

Post by TESLA-X4 »

mp_livesmode 0
Apparently, Valve can't make games beyond the number 2.
I think the only time we'll get a Source SDK code update is when it starts having purchasable hats integrated, i.e. hatconomy.

Please do not make assumptions you are not knowledgeable enough to make - that just backfires on yourself.
Tick me off, and I'll be sure to give you the golden treatment. Haven't you heard? Silence is golden.
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