Here are some sneak previews of my newest project, oc_dark_forest. Oc_dark_forest is full of paranoia, darkness, horror and zombies... All the good things.

You stand at the entrance to a forest. You have no idea where you are. You have no idea how you got there. A cold breeze blows the ferns near a sign. The sign reads, "DANGER: STAY ON PATH". There is only one way to go, and that is forward down a long forest path. You have no idea what is at the end of the path, or even if it ends. All that you have left is the feeling of despair as you begin your journey down that ominous forest path. Each footstep without hope, each footstep to inevitable doom.
Oc_dark_forest will encourage you to work as a team, just as much as it can encourage you to work against your team at certain points. There will be some tough decisions and only the strongest teams will remain unbroken. Check this thread for updates as the map begins to take form.
The first screenshot is currently from the a6.
Alright here's today's update.

Finally you come to a strange wooden structure. Can it be? Yes, there are supplies stacked neatly on some crates. For a moment you freeze, because you hear some rustling off the path. You wait for a while, but nothing happens. Perhaps it was just the wind?