I've been gifted twice - Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - by a douchebag I hate.
And this from a guy I've known for 7 years:

Here's an anonymized list of games I've ever gifted to others in chronological order:Half-Life 2
Garry's Mod
Day of Defeat: Source
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life 1
Left 4 Dead 2
Medal of Honor Standard (2010)
Section 8: Prejudice
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life 1: Source
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Okay, so I probably qualify for a hateful, "Spoilt, Ungrateful SoB" badge. However, that doesn't mean I'm about to start going on a gifting spree, so don't keep your hopes up for that! x3Sanctum
Hard Reset