Your Steam Santas - Have You Been Gifted Games on Steam?

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Have you been gifted?

0 - Nobody Loves Me :C
1-3 - Friendly C:
4-10 - Lucky :D
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11+ Spoiled Maybe? XD
Total votes: 4

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Your Steam Santas - Have You Been Gifted Games on Steam?

Post by Lucky9Two »

As the title implies this is a thread about how often (if ever) you've been gifted a game on Steam.

I've been gifted twice - Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - by a douchebag I hate.

And this from a guy I've known for 7 years:

"For though I fly through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I will fear no evil, for I am at 70,000 feet and climbing"
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Re: Your Steam Santas - Have You Been Gifted Games on Steam?

Post by TESLA-X4 »

Well, throughout the 4+ years I've been on Steam, I guess I've been fairly lucky.

Here's an anonymized list of games I've ever been gifted in chronological order:
Half-Life 2
Garry's Mod
Day of Defeat: Source
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life 1
Left 4 Dead 2
Medal of Honor Standard (2010)
Section 8: Prejudice
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life 1: Source
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Here's an anonymized list of games I've ever gifted to others in chronological order:
Hard Reset
Okay, so I probably qualify for a hateful, "Spoilt, Ungrateful SoB" badge. However, that doesn't mean I'm about to start going on a gifting spree, so don't keep your hopes up for that! x3
Besides, I don't gift to games to just anyone, only those whom I have close relations to. Kinda adds meaning and significance to the gift, I'd say. :P
Apparently, Valve can't make games beyond the number 2.
I think the only time we'll get a Source SDK code update is when it starts having purchasable hats integrated, i.e. hatconomy.

Please do not make assumptions you are not knowledgeable enough to make - that just backfires on yourself.
Tick me off, and I'll be sure to give you the golden treatment. Haven't you heard? Silence is golden.
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Re: Your Steam Santas - Have You Been Gifted Games on Steam?

Post by Lucky9Two »

I've gifted a copy of Episode 2 to a friend of mine last Christmas from Coal Crafting.

I gifted a guy named dummydouchebag a copy of Episode One way back in 2008.

I may have gifted a few more times but I can't currently access my history page.


I still have a third copy of Portal 1 & an extra DoD:S from buying my OEM & Coal Crafting respectively. Anyone wants to trade those they've been there for 19 months & 12 months respectively.

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Re: Your Steam Santas - Have You Been Gifted Games on Steam?

Post by MaestraFénix »


Metro 2033
Ravaged (when it was on closed beta)


Portal 2
Killing Floor
Portal 2 (Xeno :3 ).
Portal 2 two pack preorder (one was for me).
Portal (free ticket).
The Orange Box

Still having a DOTA 2 access, if someone wants.
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Re: Your Steam Santas - Have You Been Gifted Games on Steam?

Post by Lucky9Two »

I gifted 4 copies of Lead & Gold to my friends the other day.

"For though I fly through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I will fear no evil, for I am at 70,000 feet and climbing"
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