Here is a review I had so far on a playthrough of this map.
Right off the bat at spawn I noticed that awful lighting among a few other things,

First of all you can fix it by using light spots with wide angles maybe 8-16 units below the model itself.
If you checked the skins of that florescent model there should be an "on" texture you can use.

same with these except the light_spots point upwards but that'd look like what it is now.
I'd use a different model instead of this due to this one looking like an upside-down lamp. Your choice.

Again, it's the lighting. I recommend using this website to reproduce temperature of the light to match the type of light source.
Onto minor details:

Sure there is a blood splat and some oddly looking wires, how about adding a spark or two for a visual cue of danger?

I'm pretty sure you can get killed by one of these doors being underneath it, clipping is also an issue.
Also if I die (or anyone else for that matter) do we really have to jump down and waste half our hp if the elevator is at the bottom and no one is there?

There is no indication that these actually push you, they could be not even on for that matter. Some indication of wind would be nice.
Unless you have a sound cue playing, I couldn't hear it due to speakers being at low volumes.

Not sure if this was required but I did smash a loose painting floating around (and every other wooden breakable after I got the crowbar) against the back of this coffin thing,
If that was an objective when I was asked "u need to find sumthing..." then it sure didn't stand the test of time.
After that I couldn't really proceed anywhere.
Key things:
1) puzzles are meant to challenge the mind with given facts and a problem to solve, this is more like a try-die-repeat cycle platformer with A to B objectives which would obviously frustrate the average player. But then again I was never good with platforming.
And I haven't gotten very far due to vague objective hints.
2) there is no way to review objectives again alongside the slightly transparent white text, fast fadeout times,
and bad grammar, it kinda gives me a headache. Not everyone is your friends / fast readers / literate(lol).
To alleviate, OC has an easier way to output multiple lines of text using the same entity since all you do is input the text you want to display and if you have 4 of those with different screen position settings you can easily write all you want with some clever I/O, forgot what the entity was called but it was
a modified game_text of some sort.
Mediocre mapping quality BUT I didn't get to play all of it (due to either me not finding the objective or something or breaking it)
so I really can't judge the parts I haven't played. The lighting however puts me waaaaay off so once you fix that I'll definitely go through another run.
Keep keeping an eye on things and improve your skills. It could be promising.