Friday of last week I was trying to fix my friend's computer, and end up breaking mine. (Go figure) Hopefully it's not permanent, but it won't detect my Hard Drive and CD Drive. So until I can get it fixed, don't expect to see me on here much.
The harddrive is not spinning up only way to fix it is to get a new one. See this is why i buy pre-owned ones. I get my own personal tech support dude
Uh... I'm almost sure the hard drive didn't suddenly break. Probably just some bios or cable problems.
arr .... well i have lost 2...yes 2 harddrives in less than a week. Both broke down, 1 with huge cracking sound and 1 just died silently. I ended up buying a new computer because i guess my system was to blame for wasting them so fast. Harddrives may break down just like that ... ill just add that i didnt tweak,overclock them in any way and they both were new and never used. My comp didnt have any hardware problems either and used to be the best when i bought.
[JSC]sam!00! wrote:that happened to me but i did it not on purpose but it i uninstalled my graphice card
i never knew you wanted to hax!
i did it once ages ago and it worked it was pretty sweet you get this little ingame menu thing were you can turn on the aimbot and you can get these lines witch come out of the players weapons so you can see exactly were they are aiming but i couldn't handle it anymore i felt like shit really and i bet any other hacker feels the same way (well appart from myg0t) being called a hacker and cheater and stuff it is especially really depressing to be called a hacker even if you don't actually hack! so then i got rid of it.