Not sure if absurdly good timing or what.

What's this I don't even..? How the hell?
Put left instead of rightdestiny wrote:dont you mean right fenix cause i dont see anything floating on the left.
Yes.RocketRunner wrote:APB: Reloaded?
Personally i think that it looks great, so i going to help them donating some dosh.n Coma, the main character (you, the player) is in a deep coma after a terrible accident, and the scenarios, humans and entities you encounter are a representation of the feelings of the character; everything in Coma happens in his head. He did something terrible in the past (many years ago) and to get out of the coma he will have to forgive himself by finally accepting who he is and what he did.
The player has the ability to change the climate and the weather, and to solve the puzzles you will have to use that! You are the one who decides if it’s nightime, daytime, ifit rains, if the skies are clear, if there is a terrible fog, and in any one of these states the environment changes radically. There are zones in the environment (the environment is the puzzle) that are sensible to the player and certain objects, and the player must use the characteristics of each macro climatic state to combine them and solve the puzzles.