Well this post is a few days late, but 3 years ago, on Tuesday, July 22, 2006 - 5:34PM PST, the first public beta version of Obsidian Conflict was released to the public. It only came with 6 maps and no support for Half-Life 2; though it was possible to play the maps, but without any fixes to make the maps work for multiplayer, so it was more or less unplayable.
It also had a lot less features than our current version, though there was one pretty cool feature which got removed later on:
The Hopwire.
This was a pretty cool weapon, you threw it, after a few seconds it jumped up and wires came out of it and attached them self to the walls, the floor or whatever else they could reach. When an enemy tripped one of the wires, the hopwire would explode.
Reason for its removal is mainly that it glitched out a lot when it tried to attach itself to certain special surfaces, like the skybox, which lagged the server or even crashed it, people abused it a lot.
We may be adding this one back in, but dont count on it, it depends on how hard it is to fix and if it is worth the trouble.
Now to the main subject: Version 1.35.
This version is to only be looked at as a content update before our next major release, 1.4. It will focus on map updates/additions and fixes for some annoying bugs we noticed in 1.34, a few new features will also be thrown in.
We don't have a full changelog we can show you just yet, as some stuff still has to be decided on, but we can tell you about the new maps we plan on adding in this update.
Broken Escape: Part 2
The full set of Broken Escape Part 2 will be included in this release, which will contain of three maps:
This continues the escape out of City 17, players who played the prequel ep2_oc_broken_escape_02a will finally find out what awaits them behind that big door after the elevator ride.
Screenshots: (Some are still WIP)
Starship Troopers:
Based on the 1997 movie "Starship Troopers," defend the base against several attack waves and don't let the lieutenant die!
Return to City 17:
Make your way back to City 17 to bring Dr. Kleiner the crystal he needs for his teleportation experiments. A big map series containing 6 maps, and another 5 maps are still being worked on!
Two pretty cool mapadds by 'fug4life' for de_dust and de_dust2. Your mission is to destroy an enemy ammo cache. These are a lot of fun and require cooperation to succeed and to not run out of lives.
That's it for the new maps, some of our old maps will also receive updates to fix some bugs, optimization or general gameplay enhancement.
Keep checking back here or join our forums for more information about 1.35, Thank you for your continued support!
p.s. If you want to support us even more, we have added the possibility to donate using paypal. If you donate now, your donor status will get added to 1.35, so you gain access to the exclusive donor features.