Help with custom weapons
Help with custom weapons
Im having a problem with my custom weapons, when ever i try to select them they dont allow me to, I think it has to do with "missing { in file scripts (*autoAim*)
Anyone know how to fix this?
Anyone know how to fix this?
Here is what my script looks like
I used the aug script for an example because i couldnt find a tutorial on making a weapon
Code: Select all
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and client DLLs.
"printname" "F2000"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/V_lam_elf.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/W_lam_elf.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "ar2"
"bucket" "2"
"bucket_position" "17"
"clip_size" "30"
"clip2_size" "0"
"default_clip" "30"
"default_clip2" "0"
"primary_ammo" "ar2"
"secondary_ammo" "none"
"weight" "0"
"item_flags" "0"
"BuiltRightHanded" "0"
"AllowFlipping "1"
"csviewmodel" "1"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
"reaload_npc" "Weapon_AR2.NPC_Reload"
"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "weapon_F2000.Single"
"single_shot_npc" "weapon_F2000.Single"
//Zoom in
"special1" "Default.Zoom"
//Zoom out
"special2" "Default.Zoom"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSWeaponIcons"
"character" "e"
"font" "CSWeaponIconsSelected"
"character" "e"
"font" "WeaponIcons"
"character "u"
"font" "Crosshairs"
"character" "Q"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"Advanced" // only for Weapon_Scripted
// **Primary Attack**
// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp
"FireType1" "1"
// Rate of Weapons Fire ( Not for laser or warp )
"FireRate1" "0.1"
// Allow a refire as fast as the player can click, Basic Bullet Only.
"FastFire1" "0"
// Allow Fire Underwater?
"FireUnderWater1" "0"
// For Bullet accuracy
"FireCone1" "1" // Starting Value ( 0-20 )
"FireConeLerp1" "1" // Bool
"FireConeLerpto1" "5" // Value to lerp accuracy too ( 0-20 )
// **Secondary Attack**
// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp, 8 = scope
"FireType2" "0"
// Rate of Weapons Fire ( Not for laser or warp )
"FireRate2" "0.1"
// Allow a refire as fast as the player can click, Basic Bullet Only.
"FastFire2" "0"
// Allow Fire Underwater?
"FireUnderWater2" "0"
// Secondary Fire uses Secondary Ammo Type. If 0, will use primary ammo.
"SecondaryAmmoUsed" "0"
// For Bullet accuracy
"FireCone2" "1" // Starting Value ( 0-20 )
"FireConeLerp2" "1" // Bool
"FireConeLerpto2" "5" // Value to lerp accuracy too ( 0-20 )
// ** Global Weapon Settings**
// Number of Recoil Animations, weapon models with ACT_VM_RECOIL animations.
// ( Only if a weapon has recoil animations, Not for laser or warp )
"NumberOfRecoilAnims" "0"
// Shots fired till next recoil animation. ( Only if a weapon has recoil animations )
"RecoilIncrementSpeed" "1"
// 1 = Pistol, 2 = AR2, 3 = crossbow, 4 = physgun, 5 = shotgun, 6 = smg1
// This is the player animation set that will be used on all players you view ingame.
"PlayerAnimationSet" "6"
"UseScopedFireCone" "1"
"ScopedFireCone" "1"
"ScopedColorR" "0"
"ScopedColorG" "0"
"ScopedColorB" "0"
I used the aug script for an example because i couldnt find a tutorial on making a weapon
When you say 'select' them you mean you can't 'spawn' them (give custom_weapon)?
Or you can spawn them but cannot select the weapon from the weapon hud menu?
Also if you think a } is missing or something, then re copy the script and update it again to use your weapon settings. Thats if you want to be sure.
Or you can spawn them but cannot select the weapon from the weapon hud menu?
Also if you think a } is missing or something, then re copy the script and update it again to use your weapon settings. Thats if you want to be sure.
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So to clarify, you can spawn the weapon. You can see the weapon hud icon?
Does the text (F2000) show red on the icon?
Does the text (F2000) show red on the icon?
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The only things I can suggest are change bucket&slot positions incase you're conflictin with somethin else.
Also you've given scoped settings but havent specified here:
// **Secondary Attack**
// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp, 8 = scope
"FireType2" "0"
Either specify scope settings above and scope actually = 7 not 8
Or delete:
"UseScopedFireCone" "1"
"ScopedFireCone" "1"
"ScopedColorR" "0"
"ScopedColorG" "0"
"ScopedColorB" "0"
Thats all I can suggest to you
Also make sure you're restarting the mod or renaming the script files when saving changes for the changes to take affect.
Also you've given scoped settings but havent specified here:
// **Secondary Attack**
// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp, 8 = scope
"FireType2" "0"
Either specify scope settings above and scope actually = 7 not 8
Or delete:
"UseScopedFireCone" "1"
"ScopedFireCone" "1"
"ScopedColorR" "0"
"ScopedColorG" "0"
"ScopedColorB" "0"
Thats all I can suggest to you

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Try changing the name of the custom weapon script.
or something.
or something.
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The crotch issue, will need fixing in a modeling program.
Is the model just a css re-skin? or completely new model?
If it was a reskin I thought you may be able to use the skin and hex an exsisting converted cs weapon.
As for sound describe what you've done so far and I'll see if I can help.
Is the model just a css re-skin? or completely new model?
If it was a reskin I thought you may be able to use the skin and hex an exsisting converted cs weapon.
As for sound describe what you've done so far and I'll see if I can help.
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Well the weapon is a custom model, but i dont have any modeling programs
and for the sounds i used a txt i found in the folder
"channel" "CHAN_WEAPON
"volume" "1.0"
"Compatibilityattenuation" "ATTN_NORM"
"Pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000-1.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_boltback.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_magout.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_magin.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_boltforward.wav"
I placed it into game_sounds_cs_weapons
and for the sounds i used a txt i found in the folder
"channel" "CHAN_WEAPON
"volume" "1.0"
"Compatibilityattenuation" "ATTN_NORM"
"Pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000-1.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_boltback.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_magout.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_magin.wav"
"channel" "CHAN_ITEM"
"volume" "1.0"
"CompatibilityAttenuation" "1.0"
"pitch" "PITCH_NORM"
"wave" "weapons\F2000\f2000_boltforward.wav"
I placed it into game_sounds_cs_weapons
as long as you placed at the bottom should be fine, I'd just check css is mounting correctly for you when you load a map or weapon.
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