skidz wrote:Alright, I signed up.

added to OC Project

also for you i show you how that svn bugtracker thing work (i hope you know what regular expressions are):
Code: Select all
# For open source projects it is expected that the notes be public, however,
# for non-open source it will probably be VS_PRIVATE.
$g_source_control_notes_view_status = VS_PRIVATE;
# Account to be used by the source control script. The account must be enabled
# and must have the appropriate access level to add notes to all issues even
# private ones (DEVELOPER access recommended).
$g_source_control_account = 'SVN';
# If set to a status, then after a checkin with a log message that matches the regular expression in
# $g_source_control_fixed_regexp, the issue status is set to the specified status. If set to OFF, the
# issue status is not changed.
$g_source_control_set_status_to = RESOLVED;
# Whenever an issue status is set to $g_source_control_set_status_to, the issue resolution is set to
# the value specified for this configuration.
$g_source_control_set_resolution_to = FIXED;
# Regular expression used to detect issue ids within checkin comments.
# see preg_match_all() documentation at
$g_source_control_regexp = "/\b(?:bug|issue)\s*[#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i";
# Regular expression used to detect the fact that an issue is fixed and extracts
# its issue id. If there is a match to this regular expression, then the issue
# will be marked as resolved and the resolution will be set to fixed.
$g_source_control_fixed_regexp = "/\b(?:fixes bug|fixed bug|bug|fixes issue|fixed issue|issue)\s*[#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i";
that's the entire SourceControl Config of the Bugtracker as you can see it searches at the log messages for:
"bug #1337" "issue #1337" "fixes bug #1337" "fixes issue #1337" "fixed bug #1337" and "fixed issue #1337"
where #1337 is the bug id that is also visible over the url address
if you want more options to that just tell me
also tell me if i should change something at those other settings like to what the bot should change the bug report when those words match