Like the title says this is a background map for clients only this is not for use on a server.
In case you did not know a background map is for the mod menu screen.
[BBvideo 640,385][/BBvideo]
Here's what you'll see when the mod is loading:

Star field increased density:

ATI graphics card users that have dynamic mounting enabled you can now join a server without mounting troubles or graphics glitches.
Nvidia graphics card users can change the scripts\ChapterBackgrounds.txt so that this background will randomly load with the mod's originals (Read the notes in the text to learn how to do it)..
***Final Notes***
In the: maps\cfg\oc_background_pyramid_modify.txt it is possible to disable/change the music as well as disable/change the Star Field density (Read the notes included in the modify.txt to learn how to do it).
Download ( from filefront, added 14/12/10): ... dated.rar/
Extract to your obsidian folder, sorry this is not an add-on.
P.s. If anyone wants the .vmf for this map just give me a shout, pm or whateva, contact me and I'll upload for you.
*You may have to use changelevel command in the console to create a listen server, my map uses a particle, so I'll make another background map and see if its related to that.