Burst Fire as Primary fire ?

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Burst Fire as Primary fire ?

Post by fustrun »

I have a custom weapon scripted to fire burst as primary and semi as secondery and when i try to fire a burst it dosent fire or fires one bullet in a a very high fire rate, but if i switch between them "firetype1" - "firetype2" the burst is working great as secondary and the primary works great as semi . . is this a known issue ?
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Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:23 am

Re: Burst Fire as Primary fire ?

Post by fustrun »

Nevermind, got it.
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Re: Burst Fire as Primary fire ?

Post by MaestraFénix »

fustrun wrote:Nevermind, got it.
If you could post the script it will be very helpful for someone that tries make the same.
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Re: Burst Fire as Primary fire ?

Post by fustrun »

Noted, happy to help, here it is :)

Code: Select all

	// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
	"printname"			"M16A4"
	"viewmodel"			"models/weapons/v_rif_famas.mdl"
	"playermodel"			"models/weapons/w_rif_famas.mdl"
	"anim_prefix"			"ar2"
	"bucket"			"6"
	"bucket_position"		"1"

	"clip_size"			"30"
	"clip2_size"			"0"

	"default_clip"			"30"
	"default_clip2"			"0"

	"primary_ammo"			"ar2"
	"secondary_ammo"		"None"

	"weight"			"5"
	"item_flags"			"0"

	"BuiltRightHanded" 		"0"
	"AllowFlipping" 		"1"

	"csviewmodel"			"1"

		"x"   "-2.50" //-4.2  -Closer +Further
		"y"   "2.28"  //4.37 -Right +Left
		"z"   "0.49" //2.9  -Down +Up
		"xori"	"0.7" // +Lower -Upper

	// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
		"reload_npc"		"Weapon_AR2.NPC_Reload"
		"empty"			"Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
		"single_shot"		"Weapon_famas.Single"
		"single_shot_npc"	"Weapon_famas.Single"
		"special1"		"Weapon_famas.Single"

	// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
				"font"		"CSWeaponIcons"
				"character"	"t"
				"font"		"CSWeaponIconsSelected"
				"character"	"t"
				"font"		"WeaponIcons"
				"character"	"u"
				"font"		"Crosshairs"
				"character"	"Q"
				"file"		"sprites/crosshairs"
				"x"			"0"
				"y"			"48"
				"width"		"24"
				"height"	"24"
	"Advanced" // only for Weapon_Scripted

	// **Primary Attack**

		// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp, 8 = scope
		"FireType1"	"2"
		"BurstAmount1"	"3"
		"BetweenBurstTime1"	"0.07"

		// Rate of Weapons Fire ( Not for laser or warp )
		"FireRate1"	"0.5"

		// Allow a refire as fast as the player can click, Basic Bullet Only.
		"FastFire1"	"0"

		// Allow Fire Underwater?
		"FireUnderWater1"	"0"

		// For Bullet accuracy
		"FireCone1"		"1" // Starting Value ( 0-20 )
		"FireConeLerp1"		"1" // Bool
		"FireConeLerpto1"	"5" // Value to lerp accuracy too ( 0-20 )

	// **Secondary Attack**

		// 0 = none, 1 = Basic Bullet, 2 = Burst, 3 = shotgun, 4 = autoshotgun, 5 = laser, 6 = warp
		"FireType2"	"0"

		// Rate of Weapons Fire ( Not for laser or warp )
		"FireRate1"	"0.11"

		// Allow a refire as fast as the player can click, Basic Bullet Only.
		"FastFire1"	"0"

		// Allow Fire Underwater?
		"FireUnderWater1"	"0"

		// For Bullet accuracy
		"FireCone1"		"2" // Starting Value ( 0-20 )
		"FireConeLerp1"		"1" // Bool
		"FireConeLerpto1"	"5" // Value to lerp accuracy too ( 0-20 )

	// **Global Weapon Settings**

		// Number of Recoil Animations, weapon models with ACT_VM_RECOIL animations.
		// ( Only if a weapon has recoil animations, Not for laser or warp )
		"NumberOfRecoilAnims"	"0"

		// Shots fired till next recoil animation. ( Only if a weapon has recoil animations )
		"RecoilIncrementSpeed"	"1"

		// 1 = Pistol, 2 = AR2, 3 = crossbow, 4 = physgun, 5 = shotgun, 6 = smg1
		// This is the player animation set that will be used on all players you view ingame.
		"PlayerAnimationSet"	"2"

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