Standard Rig/Scale

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Standard Rig/Scale

Post by Sabre »

I asked on Moddb a few days, and got no replies yet, so I thought I'd ask here.

I'm trying out 3D modelling. I wondered if there is a standard rig that all Source human models need to use if I want it to use standard animations? The only stuff I could find involved editing an existing model which is not what I want to do.

On a related note, I'm using Blender, is there any scale I should work at or limitations I need to stick to for models to work?
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by MaestraFénix »

Hmmm, there are models who shows the proportions in Source (mainly the Citizen models), but the rig changes in some games:


HL:S (is just the same that in GoldSrc).

L4D/L4D2/(Alien Swarm?)

CS:GO/(Portal 2?)

Obviously, the animations will only work with the skeleton they have been made originally.

In Blender, like other model editors, just decompile a human model to check the size.
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by Sabre »

Maestro Fénix wrote:Obviously, the animations will only work with the skeleton they have been made originally.
Right, I get that. But let's say that I want to make a new player model for Left 4 Dead. I want to make the model, rig it, and put it into L4D using the default survivor animations. All I can find on google involves taking an existing model, and editing it in some way, or creating a whole new set of animations. I have seen original models that are not just edits in L4D that are using the default animations.

I assume that you need bones X, Y and Z, named A, B and C, for source to apply animations to, if that makes sense.

Another example. OC has numberous player models that are clearly not just edits, yet they all use the same animations. How is that done?
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by MaestraFénix »

Decompile an original playermodel of a game. Then, add in the qc file your model (that it must have the same skeleton than the decompiled model) and compile.

I remember take a look to the wiki page: ... ayermodels
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by Sabre »

Many downloads and restarts later, I finally have it more or less working. Got a valve model, decompiled, scribled on the texture a bit, imported the model into blender, exported it again, compiled and put into OC.

One note, is the tutorial on the wiki is a little out of date. Decompiler didn't work at all (for me anyway) and the modified one meant I could skip the hex edit step entirely.

My only issues were the head textures being a purple check error. Something I attribute to not seeing a head texture anywhere, and some file path issues. Also the exporter flipped out if I edited the model in any way, though that might be because I was using a rip of mossman instead of creating my own, but I can see that being a problem if it does it with my planned model.

Btw, what is the anime related 0, 1 thing for?
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by Sabre »

Well, it looks like I wont be making player/weapon models. While I think I could fix the file path for materials problem, the real issue is the blender-aource exporters dont seem to want to work. If I import then export the same model it works, but if I so much as move a vert, it spits out a screen of nonesence errors when I try to export. Even trying to export a basic cube gets these errors. I did manage to export a different model once, but that seemed to be completely random, and I was unable to replicate it.
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by Shana »

Sabre wrote:Btw, what is the anime related 0, 1 thing for?
To block anime models, for those who can not simply not download them.
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by Sabre »

W0rf0x wrote:
Sabre wrote:Btw, what is the anime related 0, 1 thing for?
To block anime models, for those who can not simply not download them.
Hmm, that seems a bit odd.
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by RocketRunner »

...I don't remember seeing that menu. Sorry for being off-topic, but was that always in the most recent version?
I usually run from rockets.
Pretty straightforward.
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Re: Standard Rig/Scale

Post by TESLA-X4 »

That's only present on the beta version.
Apparently, Valve can't make games beyond the number 2.
I think the only time we'll get a Source SDK code update is when it starts having purchasable hats integrated, i.e. hatconomy.

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