Nacht Der Untoten

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Nacht Der Untoten

Post by MaestraFénix »

Author: Plasma HeadcrabD / Maestro Fénix
.bsp filename: oc_nacht_der_untoten
Date of release: 29/09/2013
Game Requirements: DOD:S
Suggested Players: 1-8
Estimated time to beat the map: N/A (unbeatable)
Type of the game: Survival, Lives.
Size: 8.97mb on bz2, 36.4mb uncompressed.

Obsidian Conflict Map Database page: ... er-untoten

Is recommended use FastDL in the server for a quick downloading of the files.


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You drove them deep into the heart of the Reich. You thought they were dead. You were wrong.

Objective: Use the weapons and barricades to survive as long as you can!










  • 13 new weapons adapted for this map (DOD:S weapons).
  • Mystery Box.
  • Infinite enemy rounds with growing difficulty.
  • Barricade system.
  • Waiting room.
  • Regenerative player health.


SonofBrimstone - Original DOD:S weapon models fix
Makrontt le necron - Original weapon scripts
gamr748 - Original weapon scripts
Maestro Fenix - New DOD:S weapon models and script fixes
Fug - zombie models

Special Thanks To:

Maestro Fenix - Advices on some in/outputs, as well as remaking the map and much more.
Dominic - Some advice/help.
Treyarch - Original creator of the zombie map for Call of Duty: World of War.


OC Map Database Mirror

  • The difficulty is determined by the number of players: 1-2->Easy, 3-5->Medium, 6-8->Hard. We aren't responsible of the gameplay if the server has dynamic skill levels.
  • Aim for the head. Shooting to the torso will make you waste your ammo. You can get a momentary advantage by shooting at the legs/foots. The ironsights are very useful.
  • Keep built all the barricades that you can, or you will end having many zombies chasing you.
  • Think carefully before buying a weapon/unlock the cabinet/opening the mystery box. It could make you at the end be helpless due the lack of money.
Last edited by MaestraFénix on Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nacht Der Untoten

Post by Ny »

Glad you were able to get this out despite all the problems you've had. Looks awesome!
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Re: Nacht Der Untoten

Post by MaestraFénix »

Ny wrote:Glad you were able to get this out despite all the problems you've had. Looks awesome!
Both Plasma and me agreed that it was ridiculous the time that this map took (around two years and half). We did around 4-5 different versions of this map (the third version was the closest to the original in CoD on the visual aspect), and we were always on the same loop:

-> It should work now -> I don't like it/it's broken -> Let's fix it ->

This map can have a bit more of detail without compromise the FPS (there is fog supposedly, but apparently using the same colours as the sky turns it invisible), but we didn't added more to it because two versions of the map that we did before were scrapped for having poor performance, and we didn't wanted to start messing the stuff again. We had on this last week a setback when the custom sky that we were going to use was pixelated, so at this moment the world looks ugly (as well as the plane, that is just a DOD:S model scaled up).

Thankfully I was able to make a workaround about a problem with the lives mode not triggering the ending event when all the players dies, as well as fixing the barricade system.

The difficulty is the same as the original: stop moving and building barricades, and you will die.
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Re: Nacht Der Untoten

Post by destiny »

with a fun fact being to that final line that while i kept moving during final test for some odd reason i got the moves like jeager song in my head.
anime watcher and manga reader and doesnt care what others think of it.
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Plasma HeadCrabD
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Re: Nacht Der Untoten

Post by Plasma HeadCrabD »

destiny wrote:with a fun fact being to that final line that while i kept moving during final test for some odd reason i got the moves like jeager song in my head.

Sorry Post late. But I Guess it's footstep sounds. fenix probably set the footsteps sound to combine
Current Projects:
oc_Maestro Fénix_HeadCrabD_Nz(just for boring)
oc_der_riese(don't even think about it.)
oc_nacht_der_untoten (work again!)
(also,you can see some pics about this map on my moddb blog.)
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